DNC Day One Recap – All Trump Supporters Racist and Rioters Torching Cities Are Revolutionaries
August 18, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
source: conservativeresearchgroup

It’s safe to say that the 2020 Democratic Convention has started on a bad note. Opening up on their first night, Dems talked about how horrible racism is and that unless you’re a Democrat voting for Biden, you’re a racist too. Good to see they’ve thrown logic out the door.
Skin color is the only thing the party is running on at this point. Biden believes we live in a deeply racist country full of evil police departments. He used to be tough on crime and defended the police for decades, but not anymore.
The Democratic National Convention started the first-ever remote national convention on Monday night, including multiple speakers such as Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar, John Kasich, Doug Jones, and former First Lady Michelle Obama.
Bernie Sanders offered full support of Joe Biden Monday night. He spoke of political philosophies and our current events, even going as far as calling the destroyed cities of Portland, Seattle, and Austin “revolutionaries.” He shifted the blame of violence in our streets to authoritarians, AKA the Trump Administration, instead of his own party that supported it. Sanders’ speech carried the same message as the rest of the Democratic speakers that night – defeat Donald Trump.

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Former First Lady, Michelle Obama, also pitched her own deceitful views. She started off by insulting the American voters who elected Donald Trump, then falsely accused Trump of downplaying the virus. Mind you, Biden didn’t even support cutting travel from China or Europe until April, months after Trump did it. While the Republicans were organizing task forces and cutting travel, the Democrats were talking about “xenophobia.”
She then went on to talk about the importance of empathy and how President Trump does nothing but embolden white supremacists. It’s the same astonishing lies we’ve heard since the Dems spoke out against “children in cages.” The media platforms won’t tell you that the Obama Administration had built the cages that hold many immigrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border. Saying something like this takes incredible nerve, but what can you expect from a Democrat?
Michelle’s gaslighting speech glossed over the lies of “peaceful protesters” and didn’t even acknowledge Biden as a presidential candidate until the end of her rant. She didn’t talk about any of Biden’s achievements or why he would be a good fit for office. Why? Because he’s not a good fit for office.