August 8, 2017 in News by RBN Staff

Daily Sheeple


The Department of Justice has quietly released emails that former director, James Comey’s FBI claimed did not exist. Among media blackout, and as silently as possible, the government released over 400 pages of emails related to the infamous private meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch.

The Department of Justice on Friday released the 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The emails also show that the mainstream media we know is not only corrupt and full of nothing but propaganda but also colluded with Democrats to ensure there was the right type of reporting on this meeting.

This discharge of information is the result of a lawsuit filed against the DOJ by the American Council for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in November 2016. The newly-released emails mostly include DOJ officials’ conversations with reporters, who were seeking comment on the meeting between Lynch and the former president on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz. in June 2016. The encounter raised concerns about the impartiality of the DOJ’s investigation into the Hillary Clinton episode, and became a significant issue in the presidential campaign. –CNSNews

The ACLJ also noted that under the leadership of then-Director James Comey, the FBI had originally denied the existence of such records. “No records responsive to your request were located,” FBI Chief of Record/Information David Hardy wrote a letter responding to ACLJ’s Freedom of Information Act request. “For your information, Congress excluded three discrete categories of law enforcement and national security records from the requirements of the FOIA.”

Of course, once again, the media is caught covering for the left and the FBI went so far as to flat-out lie about the existence of documents so that politicians could gain special protections and remain above the law. The released emails include several exchanges between FBI media official Richard Quinn and DOJ’s Office of Public Affairs Director Melanie Newman. (Public Affairs/Public Relations is nothing more than code for propaganda.)

One of those emails, sent by Newman under the subject line “FLAG”, said she wanted to “flag a story that is gaining some traction” about the “casual, unscheduled meeting” between Lynch and President Clinton. What followed is more evidence of the media’s willingness to stoop to all levels of low to protect the left.

Newman instructed Quinn to “let me know if you get any questions about this.” Newman in the email also provides Quinn with some talking points. Although they are supposedly public statements – and separate emails indicate that they had been sent to reporters of major media outlets – the talking points, as well as many other parts of the release, were redacted.

An email sent by Newman to another staff member on July 1, titled “FBI just called,” shows that the agency was “asking for guidance” in responding to media questions about reports stating FBI agents had ordered ‘No photos, no picture, no cell phones’ at the Clinton-Lynch meeting. –CNSNews

The conversation then bounced from emails and continued via phone calls. One hour later, Carolyn Pokomy from the Office of the Attorney General said in an email reply, “I will let Rybicki know.” Jim Rybicki was then the FBI’s chief of staff and senior counselor to Comey.

The ACLJ says they will continue to press for the redacted sections of the emails and other missing documents from the original FOIA.

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