Dr Erickson: Californians Have A 0.03% Chance of Dying From Covid-19
April 27, 2020 in News, Video by RBN Staff
Source: VidRebel
Dr Dan Erickson is an Emergency Room doctor in California and has some sobering things to say about the current pandemic.
Californians have a 0.03% chance of dying from covid-19. 96% of the people in California recover with no significant symptoms.
Typically, we quarantine the sick. We have never quarantined the healthy.
Does this 0.03% death rate necessitate shutting down the state of California? And millions of people being out of work?
Initial estimates were that we would have 2.2 million deaths from covid-19 nationwide. Even subsequent models with 200,000 deaths have been proven wrong.
We have tested 4 million nationwide with 19.6% reported to be carrying the virus.
The virus lives on plastic for 3 days. Where did you get your plastic bottles of water? At Costco? You can buy plastic bottles from a big box store and expose your family sheltering at home. But you can’t go to church.
There is no scientific basis in keeping big businesses open and closing small businesses.
To open the country up we will need to do widespread testing.
Good bacteria and viruses protect us against bad bacteria and viruses.
If you want to dance on someone’s constitutional rights, you better have a good reason and not just someone’s theory.
The immune system works by being exposed to antigens. Sheltering in place reduces my immune response. I guarantee that when we re-open we will face many illnesses because sheltering in place weakened our immune system.
Secondary effects of social isolation. Child molestation and spousal abuse have risen dramatically as has alcoholism, depression and suicide. (He is an ER doctor and has similar reports from other doctors.) These effects are far worse than a virus that is no more deadly than the flu.
Why can’t you go out side to the park exposing yourself to the sun which is healthy but you are allowed to walk around Costco exposing yourself to hundreds of people?
Mild instances of the virus spreads more quickly than do the more virulent forms.
I would add that in the first 23 days of April the total federal deficit was more than one trillion dollars. Helicopter money is being dropped liberally on the billionaires and the illegal aliens but not yet on workers and small businesses.
America does not have more coronavirus deaths than China. Chinese-American reporters have called up mortuaries and hospitals. China has many times more deaths than they admit.
I would disagree with everything that is said about New York state which has almost half of all covid-19 deaths in the US. Previously, I wrote that 62% of all deaths from covid occurred in 4 states. The governors of New York and Michigan barred doctors from prescribing the cure for covid-19 to outpatients. Until recently, you had to get sick enough to be hospitalized to be prescribed the cure which is hydroxychloroquine and zinc sulfate. And that is why they have sky high death rates. But only 42 million people live in those states with 62% of the deaths while 285 million Americans live in 46 states and DC with 38% of the deaths. So why shut down the whole country?
We need to talk about the credibility of the so called experts running the show back in DC. Dr Anthony Fauci and President Obama gave a $3.7 million grant to China to set up a level 4 biolab in Wuhan to study coronaviruses.
Dr Judy Mikovits has published scientific data in the journal Science proving that our vaccines and blood supplies are contaminated with a mouse virus that causes cancer and has been associated with increased cases of both autism and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Yet the CDC, NIH and the FBI have done nothing after a decade. Yes, the FBI learned of the facts when false charges were filed against Dr Mikovits bt Dr Fauci
I would disagree with the death estimates the government is publishing. Even if the patient is in a hospice and death was expected in a few weeks or months if they are virus positive, they are classified as U0.7.1. If they are not virus positive and die, they are classified as U0.7.2 assuned dying with the irus. 2/3rds of all covid-19 deaths in the US never tested positive for the coronavirus. That means we are not losing that many people to coronavirus. True some had the virus but, as Dr Erickson said, they died because they smoked for 25 years and had COPD.
Dr Ilya Mechnikov won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1908. There was a cholera epidemic at the time and he wanted to understand why some people died and others didn’t. He recruited two volunteers. He began by drinking a vial of cholera. Nothing happened. The first volunteer also drank a vial of cholera. Nothing happened. The third man drank a vial of cholera and almost died. The doctor won the Nobel Prize for telling us how the immune system worked. The point is that sick people will need masks and gloves. Well people don’t.
Vitamin D-3 is the sunshine vitamin which explains why we have more flus and colds during the winter. Black people have darker skin and do not absorb as much sunlight to make D-3. That is why black women in Atlanta have a lower breast cancer death rate than do black women in Boston. Have doctors told anyone, black or white, to take 4,000 IU of Vitamin D-3 daily to protect yourself against cancers as well as the coronavirus? No. Doctors don’t work for you. They work for Big Pharma.
You government despises you and wants you dead. Strong words but easily proved. D-3 is critical not just as a vitamin but also as a pro-hormone. But plastic counteracts it. So why did the government allow Bisphenol-A, a plasticizer, to be used to line the cans of our vegetables and soups? Did they want us to die from cancer? Must have because they never let a famous soup company advertise they had taken it out of their cans.
Dr Luc Montagnier who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2009 said that this virus is a bioweapon. It has the HIV virus spliced into it. It seems to strike down Asians more than non-Asians. Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Act, has given a detailed statement admitting that Coronavirus is an offensive bioweapon.
So we are to trust men who made a bioweapon to kill us to make a vaccine that would not harm us? And we are to trust them to be in charge of issuing digital certificates that allow us to buy food, buy gasoline and go to work? What if the government goes paranoid after all that Helicopter money crashes the economy, and they seize all the digital money in our bank accounts? They might think we are saying bad things about them after the Nationwide Food Riots which are coming, hopefully not until next year or the year after that or better yet the year after that one too.
I believe we will see the coronavirus for years to come. It probably won’t kill many people outside China because it was designed to kill Chinese people. We might see a series of bioweapons. We will definitely see many more vaccines. Bill Gates and his friends at WHO will be pushing digital certificates.
We will need to go to YouTube and watch Dr Rhonda Patrick make her smoothies. Did you know that freezing vegetables like beets, kale and spinach breaks the cell walls and releases almost twice as many nutrients as an uncooked plant? Did you know you can avoid 80% of cytokine storms and autoimmune diseases by doing two things. 1) Refuse all vaccines. 2) Build a gut barrier. If you eat probiotics, lots of fiber from several different sources and Vitamin B-Complex, your gut will build a barrier that will protect you from many different diseases. An Australian nutritionist, Marieke Rodenstein, said that 90% of all children in the UK suffer from obesity or some autoimmune disease or has learning difficulties. That is the pathetic future planned for us by the self-appointed Elite.
You will need to take health decisions back into your hands. What passes for a government in America can never be trusted with anything.
I wrote Dr Judy Mikovits said a mouse virus contaminated our vaccines and blood supplies. Read about that here:
Dr Mikovits: Fauci Is Greatest Fraud of the Past 40 Years.
John Kennedy Jr published an interview with Bill Gates in George magazine in February of 1997. Gates said that in 2020 the worst case scenario is an over-populated planet choked to extinction by a lung attacking virus.
Bill Gates 1997 Prediction: 2020 Extinction By Lung Attacking Virus.
Andrew Cuomo was instrumental in engineering the housing bubble when he was Secretary of HUD (Housing and Urban Development.) And then he was instrumental in making the Missing Money go missing from HUD. So why is Andrew Cuomo someone we would listen to about anything? Catherine Austin Fitts
Governor Cuomo killed over 10,000 New Yorkers by refusing to let doctors prescribe a cure for coronavirus.
Blame Governor Cuomo
You Do Not Have Healthcare. You Suffer Under Disease Management Control.
This is the video from those ER doctors in California.
Dr Dan Erickson is an Emergency Room doctor in California and has some sobering things to say about the current pandemic.
Californians have a 0.03% chance of dying from covid-19. 96% of the people in California recover with no significant symptoms.
Typically, we quarantine the sick. We have never quarantined the healthy.
Does this 0.03% death rate necessitate shutting down the state of California? And millions of people being out of work?
Initial estimates were that we would have 2.2 million deaths from covid-19 nationwide. Even subsequent models with 200,000 deaths have been proven wrong.
We have tested 4 million nationwide with 19.6% reported to be carrying the virus.
The virus lives on plastic for 3 days. Where did you get your plastic bottles of water? At Costco? You can buy plastic bottles from a big box store and expose your family sheltering at home. But you can’t go to church.
There is no scientific basis in keeping big businesses open and closing small businesses.
To open the country up we will need to do widespread testing.
Good bacteria and viruses protect us against bad bacteria and viruses.
If you want to dance on someone’s constitutional rights, you better have a good reason and not just someone’s theory.
The immune system works by being exposed to antigens. Sheltering in place reduces my immune response. I guarantee that when we re-open we will face many illnesses because sheltering in place weakened our immune system.
Secondary effects of social isolation. Child molestation and spousal abuse have risen dramatically as has alcoholism, depression and suicide. (He is an ER doctor and has similar reports from other doctors.) These effects are far worse than a virus that is no more deadly than the flu.
Why can’t you go out side to the park exposing yourself to the sun which is healthy but you are allowed to walk around Costco exposing yourself to hundreds of people?
Mild instances of the virus spreads more quickly than do the more virulent forms.
I would add that in the first 23 days of April the total federal deficit was more than one trillion dollars. Helicopter money is being dropped liberally on the billionaires and the illegal aliens but not yet on workers and small businesses.
America does not have more coronavirus deaths than China. Chinese-American reporters have called up mortuaries and hospitals. China has many times more deaths than they admit.
I would disagree with everything that is said about New York state which has almost half of all covid-19 deaths in the US. Previously, I wrote that 62% of all deaths from covid occurred in 4 states. The governors of New York and Michigan barred doctors from prescribing the cure for covid-19 to outpatients. Until recently, you had to get sick enough to be hospitalized to be prescribed the cure which is hydroxychloroquine and zinc sulfate. And that is why they have sky high death rates. But only 42 million people live in those states with 62% of the deaths while 285 million Americans live in 46 states and DC with 38% of the deaths. So why shut down the whole country?
We need to talk about the credibility of the so called experts running the show back in DC. Dr Anthony Fauci and President Obama gave a $3.7 million grant to China to set up a level 4 biolab in Wuhan to study coronaviruses.
Dr Judy Mikovits has published scientific data in the journal Science proving that our vaccines and blood supplies are contaminated with a mouse virus that causes cancer and has been associated with increased cases of both autism and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Yet the CDC, NIH and the FBI have done nothing after a decade. Yes, the FBI learned of the facts when false charges were filed against Dr Mikovits bt Dr Fauci
I would disagree with the death estimates the government is publishing. Even if the patient is in a hospice and death was expected in a few weeks or months if they are virus positive, they are classified as U0.7.1. If they are not virus positive and die, they are classified as U0.7.2 assuned dying with the irus. 2/3rds of all covid-19 deaths in the US never tested positive for the coronavirus. That means we are not losing that many people to coronavirus. True some had the virus but, as Dr Erickson said, they died because they smoked for 25 years and had COPD.
Dr Ilya Mechnikov won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1908. There was a cholera epidemic at the time and he wanted to understand why some people died and others didn’t. He recruited two volunteers. He began by drinking a vial of cholera. Nothing happened. The first volunteer also drank a vial of cholera. Nothing happened. The third man drank a vial of cholera and almost died. The doctor won the Nobel Prize for telling us how the immune system worked. The point is that sick people will need masks and gloves. Well people don’t.
Vitamin D-3 is the sunshine vitamin which explains why we have more flus and colds during the winter. Black people have darker skin and do not absorb as much sunlight to make D-3. That is why black women in Atlanta have a lower breast cancer death rate than do black women in Boston. Have doctors told anyone, black or white, to take 4,000 IU of Vitamin D-3 daily to protect yourself against cancers as well as the coronavirus? No. Doctors don’t work for you. They work for Big Pharma.
You government despises you and wants you dead. Strong words but easily proved. D-3 is critical not just as a vitamin but also as a pro-hormone. But plastic counteracts it. So why did the government allow Bisphenol-A, a plasticizer, to be used to line the cans of our vegetables and soups? Did they want us to die from cancer? Must have because they never let a famous soup company advertise they had taken it out of their cans.
Dr Luc Montagnier who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2009 said that this virus is a bioweapon. It has the HIV virus spliced into it. It seems to strike down Asians more than non-Asians. Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Act, has given a detailed statement admitting that Coronavirus is an offensive bioweapon.
So we are to trust men who made a bioweapon to kill us to make a vaccine that would not harm us? And we are to trust them to be in charge of issuing digital certificates that allow us to buy food, buy gasoline and go to work? What if the government goes paranoid after all that Helicopter money crashes the economy, and they seize all the digital money in our bank accounts? They might think we are saying bad things about them after the Nationwide Food Riots which are coming, hopefully not until next year or the year after that or better yet the year after that one too.
I believe we will see the coronavirus for years to come. It probably won’t kill many people outside China because it was designed to kill Chinese people. We might see a series of bioweapons. We will definitely see many more vaccines. Bill Gates and his friends at WHO will be pushing digital certificates.
We will need to go to YouTube and watch Dr Rhonda Patrick make her smoothies. Did you know that freezing vegetables like beets, kale and spinach breaks the cell walls and releases almost twice as many nutrients as an uncooked plant? Did you know you can avoid 80% of cytokine storms and autoimmune diseases by doing two things. 1) Refuse all vaccines. 2) Build a gut barrier. If you eat probiotics, lots of fiber from several different sources and Vitamin B-Complex, your gut will build a barrier that will protect you from many different diseases. An Australian nutritionist, Marieke Rodenstein, said that 90% of all children in the UK suffer from obesity or some autoimmune disease or has learning difficulties. That is the pathetic future planned for us by the self-appointed Elite.
You will need to take health decisions back into your hands. What passes for a government in America can never be trusted with anything.
I wrote Dr Judy Mikovits said a mouse virus contaminated our vaccines and blood supplies. Read about that here:
Dr Mikovits: Fauci Is Greatest Fraud of the Past 40 Years.
John Kennedy Jr published an interview with Bill Gates in George magazine in February of 1997. Gates said that in 2020 the worst case scenario is an over-populated planet choked to extinction by a lung attacking virus.
Bill Gates 1997 Prediction: 2020 Extinction By Lung Attacking Virus.
Andrew Cuomo was instrumental in engineering the housing bubble when he was Secretary of HUD (Housing and Urban Development.) And then he was instrumental in making the Missing Money go missing from HUD. So why is Andrew Cuomo someone we would listen to about anything? Catherine Austin Fitts
Governor Cuomo killed over 10,000 New Yorkers by refusing to let doctors prescribe a cure for coronavirus.
Blame Governor Cuomo
You Do Not Have Healthcare. You Suffer Under Disease Management Control.
This is the video from those ER doctors in California.