July 22, 2019 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff
By Je Suis Spike
I Guess John Birch Failed to Use Leftist Hate Speech
The New American magazine, and the John Birch Society, which is named after the man responsible for saving the survivors of the Doolittle Raid, the air attack on imperialist mainland Japan during WWII are staffed by freedom-loving Americans who know and support the Constitution, as should we all. You may not know about the raid or John Birch because the raid was carried out by heroic men and they were rescued by the heroic John Birch and true heroes are not the stuff of modern-day media. Modern day media celebrates the metrosexuals, leftists politicians, other oddballs and malcontents who would destroy America. Little do they know they can find their utopia outside America’s borders in many a craphole nation, if only they would leave and seek it.
Please take ten minutes to learn of a good man and true American hero by viewing this video: The Adventures of Captain John Birch The story of the life of John Birch (JB), since it’s true, makes that other JB, James Bond, look like a sedate homebody. John Birch earned the Army Distinguished Service Medal and Legion of Merit and certainly the undying gratitude of the survivors of the Doolittle Raid.