Gun-control bills shot down in Virginia House

January 23, 2014 in News by RBN Staff

Source: Liberty Crier

By Bill Sizemore

The Virginia House of Delegates panel widely known as the graveyard of gun-control bills consigned a slew of them to oblivion Thursday. The Republican-controlled subcommittee of the Militia, Police and Public Safety Committee tabled a series of gun-control measures, meaning they are unlikely to be revived.

Rejected by the panel were these measures, all proposed by Democrats:

  • HB812, to required universal criminal background checks for firearm purchases.
  • HB535, to extend background checks to all sales at gun shows, including those by private sellers.
  • HB823, to authorize voluntary background checks at gun shows by private sellers who request them.
  • HB809, to limit high-capacity ammunition magazines to 20 rounds.
  • HB695, to stiffen training requirements for those seeking concealed-handgun permits.
  • HB992, to allow localities to ban guns from public libraries.