Gun Owners of America: Paul Ryan’s Obamacare 2.0 Still Contains Gun Control
March 24, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Breitbart | AWR HAWKINS
Gun Owners of America (GOA) is warning that House Speaker Paul Ryan’s Obamacare 2.o still contains measures that will allow doctors, insurance companies, and the ATF to use medical records to further a gun control agenda.
GOA points out that it opposed “the original Obamacare” because it threatened Second Amendment rights and they are concerned about Ryan’s new healthcare push for the same reasons.
They stress three changes that are needed.
The first thing GOA points out is that Ryan’s bill “needs to be amended to prohibit the ATF from trolling the national health database, or Medicaid, or any new entitlement program for persons with PTSD, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, or merely ‘anxiety.’” GOA says the recently repealed Social Security gun ban allowed such trolling, which opened the door to the ATF growing the list of the persons prohibited from gun ownership based on otherwise private information gathered from health records.
Secondly, GOA says Ryan’s healthcare replacement “needs to be amended to prohibit insurance companies from asking about gun ownership.” Such questions result in an increased insurance rates–“as a result of gun ownership”–or in the all-out denial of insurance to begin with.
GOA states, “Already, New York and California are considering using gun insurance requirements to ‘insure’ guns out of existence.”
Thirdly, GOA wants to see the healthcare bill amended “to ensure that doctors are not required — or even allowed — to ask about gun ownership and to enter that information into a federal health database.” GOA correctly points out that such a database, if allowed to exist, would become a “de facto national gun registry.”
GOA stresses the changes that would prevent doctors and insurance companies from furthering an anti-Second Amendment agenda are the same changes the gun rights group sought with the original Obamacare legislation.
AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at