Here Are the Member Banks, Shareholders, and Owners of the Federal Reserve System – From 1914 to 2015
February 8, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
Philosophy of Metrics | JC Collins
Over the years there has been much written and discussed surrounding the actual ownership of the Federal Reserve System within the United States. Vast conspiracy theories have been presented and laborious efforts have been undertaken to expose the actual shareholders and owners of the system. All of which have been met with the human predisposition for fantasy and misdirection.
The purpose of POM has always been to function within well-disciplined research habits and present a factual thesis on the international monetary framework. Considering the hegemonic role of the US dollar in this system, it is difficult to write about one while avoiding the other.
As such, avoiding the pit falls of the Federal Reserve conspiracy theories and misinformation is at times a futile effort. No matter how much factual information is presented there are so many which refuse to believe or accept the reality of the human complexity involved in the machinations of the system itself.
I have always made the case that the faults in the system are the externalization of the faults within all of us. As such, to blame any particular group, or subgroup, for the calamitous results which Federal Reserve monetary policy has had on the world is futile and counterproductive to developing workable solutions to the challenges in this world of man-made things and systems.
While I have ignored information promoting some sort of Jewish or Rothschild conspiracy surrounding the Federal Reserve, the fact remains that there are international banking interests that manipulate and direct the path of the monetary framework which governs the wealth of nations. But there is no need for secret cabals and intricate conspiracy theories based on misdirection and fabrication.
We need facts now more than ever.
As most readers will know, the Federal Reserve System is made up of twelve regional districts and banks. This was covered here on POM recently in the post A Hidden Mystery – The 12+1 Symbolism of the Federal Reserve System.
Each of the twelve regional Federal Reserve banks are made up from member banks in each region, as well as shareholders and owners. It is this list which has caused so much discussion and conspiracy surrounding the system itself.
The purpose of this post is to present some extremely valuable information regarding the member banks, shareholders, and owners of the system. These are banking institutions, trust funds, shareholders, and owners of each of the twelve regional Federal Reserve banks.
I have included a full list from May 27, 1914, which would be the initial member’s composition when the Federal Reserve Act was passed on Christmas Eve 1913.
An updated members list is also included from the year 2015.
Each list contains hundreds of line items which would make it meaningless to include directly in the content of this post. So I’ve added each list as a PDF file which can be downloaded directly.
For the 1914 members list click here:
List of Federal Reserve Member Banks 1914.
For the 2015 members list click here:
List of Federal Reserve Member Banks 2015.
Readers will observe with a casual review of the lists that the usual suspects are included, such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, etc.. But also on the list are a wide array of trust funds, small banks, and individual investors.
Though the lists do not define the percentage of ownership attributed to each line item, it is obvious that ownership of the system itself is more complex than most conspiracy theories and summaries would suggest. I’d even dare say that the lists appear more normal and everyday than most would have considered. Which is why I suggest that the system is a reflection of the whole of the social trust, as opposed to some nefarious system which is covertly working against the disorganized masses.
There is no social division or barrier on human greed and weakness.
Arming ourselves with factual information on the system and how it actually functions are the beginnings to exacting substantial and purposeful change which could benefit all. Both of these lists can provide years of additional research.
As an example, the list from 2015 can be further dissected and the percentage of domestic and foreign ownership of each of the member banks determined. The list itself doesn’t breakdown ownership by regional Federal Reserve Banks. So that is a likely place to start.
Once armed with factual knowledge the disorganized masses can organize around a social trust which is funded by tax dollars. These trust funds can take controlling interests in each of the Federal Reserve Regional Banks. This would be one of the most productive methods of rebalancing wealth based on the fairness of open and free capitalism. Not the socialized form of capitalism which has used government regulation and legislation to reposition the system for the benefit of a few. – JC