How Long Before Danielle Ryan Is Assassinated?
September 1, 2019 in News by RBN Staff
By Paul Craig Roberts
Danielle Ryan is an Irish journalist. A real one, not a presstitute. She says things that journalists nowhere in the Western world are any longer permitted to say. For example, Western journalism no longer is connected to factual reporting. It is simply used to get whoever the oligarchs want got.
Danielle notes that it is impossible to be a journalist today if you have any respect for facts, truth, and objectivity. Those are what get you fired. She is very gentle about it:
“No one could reasonably expect journalism to be an entirely mistake-free profession, but the rate at which demonstrably false stories percolate through the media ecosystem is alarming — and the more mistakes, it seems, the higher the reward. Maddow has been held in almost heroic regard by her network, regardless of how many false and wacky stories she promotes.” Gift Card i…Buy New $10.00(as of 11:50 EDT – Details)
“From Iraq to Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, journalism has thrived on lies and misinformation. Many of the pundits and columnists who were the biggest cheerleaders for the Iraq war, for example, are still regularly called upon to offer their sage advice, insights, and predictions for new military adventures.”