How Many More Americans Must Die?
December 29, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
Source: The Federal Observer
America cannot allow a dangerous club of Islamic appeasers, apologists and willing accomplices in the federal courts and the ranks of Congress, to stay the course with their constipated logic, or their treason, and refusal to employ common sense regarding Muslim immigration into our country. They have brought a steady flow of Muslims to America, since the first World Trade Center Bombing in 1993, that has been accompanied by a constant, steady stream of Islamic terror attacks, from the 9/11 WTC attacks to Ft Hood, the Boston Bombing and more, and Americans would be well within the Constitution to demand that this club cease sheltering terrorists, terrorist candidates, and future terrorists, these sons of Mohammed.
Last January, every Democrat and 22 Republicans in the U.S. Senate, opposed President Trump’s travel ban imposed on terror sponsoring nations. And recently, on December 22nd 2017, the Ninth Circuit Court blocked it for the third time.
In November 2017, America witnessed Sayfullo Saipov, an Uzbekistan national and a Muslim, ruthlessly murder eight people on a New York City bike path. This was soon followed on December 11th 2017 by Akayed Ullah, a Bangladeshi national and a Muslim, attempting to detonate a suicide bomb in New York City; it partially exploded and injured five people.
How many more Americans must die before Americans stand together and deport all non-citizen Muslims and halt all Muslim immigration?
The truth is recognizable and exists for those informed analysts and others capable of cogent thought, regarding Islam. Islamic migration is impossible to fully integrate into American society, and Muslims are not capable of assimilating into Western civilization, holistically speaking.
Sayyid Qubt, one of the foremost founding fathers of prevailing Islamic thought, stated: “A Muslim has no country except that part of the earth where the Sharia of Allah is established … a Muslim has no nationality except his belief … There is only one place on earth which can be called the home of Islam, and it is that place where the Islamic state is established and the Sharia is the authority and Allah’s limits are observed …”.
An August 2011 PEW study, entitled ‘Muslim Americans: No Signs of Growth in Alienation or Support in Extremism’, noted that 65 percent of Muslims in America do not think of themselves first as Americans and only second as Muslims. This same study revealed that approximately 567,000 U.S. Muslims support terrorism, as a political tool, to a fair or great degree. Together with this, it is no wonder sixty percent of respondents stated that America would soon witness Islamic terrorism rise in America.
Quoting the “prophet” Mohammed from the Hadith: “I charge you with five of what Allah has charged me with: to assemble, to listen, to obey, to immigrate and to wage Jihad (Holy War) for the sake of Allah.”
In 1998, speaking before a packed crowd at the Flamingo Palace in Fremont, California, Omar Ahmad, founder of the Council for American-Islamic Relations, stated: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith but to be dominant …”. His closing words stated that Islam should be the only accepted “religion” on Earth.
During a 2015 interview of some local Somali Muslims in Cedar Riverside, Minnesota, several Muslim men told journalist Ami Horowitz that they preferred Sharia law over U.S. law. They also wanted to suppress free speech and any criticism of Islam or the “prophet” Mohammed. One man even told her that it is right to kill anyone who insults the “prophet” Mohammed.
Muslims often boast that they love death more than Americans love life, but Muslims really just hate life. Although the number of Muslims willing to blow themselves up in order to murder non-Muslims seems to be small, the number of Muslims willing to condemn these terrorists is even smaller, and many Muslims cheer for the terrorists daily and each time they murder a European, Israeli or American, in this culture that refers to Adolph Hitler as “Islam’s Favorite Infidel”.
Whether the majority of Muslims are truly “peaceful” or simply dormant, less devout Muslims, or violent fundamentalist Muslims is irrelevant, since nearly every recent terrorist seemed peaceful, until he wasn’t. Objectively good human beings, who identify as Muslim, give Islam a far better face than it deserves, and this creates a false sense of security for many Americans, and it also allows for the growth of a large, stealth jihadi terrorist population, which schemes to Islamicize America and destroy Her Republic through politics, immigration and terrorism. So, we are left a game of Muslim roulette, while our intelligence communities tackle the near impossible task of differentiating between “good Muslims” and those trying to murder us.
Every person can follow his own conscience in America, so long as it doesn’t interfere with sane reason or bid him act against the liberty of others. However, Islam, the Koran and the Hadith, where the true meaning of Islam can be found in practice today, as it has been for over 1400 years, embraces and commands the murder of non-Muslims and infidels, censorship, anti-Semitism, pedophilia, misogyny and wife beatings and honor killings. This is evil and the supremacist ideology of Islam sanctions every bit of it.
There is nothing in Islam that stays the hand of Muslims seeking to murder non-Muslims and Americans.
Five days after two Muslims murdered fourteen people in San Bernadino, on December 2nd 2015, the campaign team for Donald Trump stated, “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
On July 6th 2017, President Trump spoke before the Polish people and stated: “While we will always welcome new citizens who share our values and love our people, our borders will always be closed to terrorism and extremism of any kind.”
It doesn’t take a genius to “figure out what is going on”, with centuries worth of evidence revealing Islam’s evil modus operandi of conquest and its continuous attacks against the West, and it is past time to close our borders and America to all Muslims. Many will call this “wrong” or “un-American”, because many already suggest that Americans must work harder to coexist with Muslims, who reject the voices of reason. Work harder towards what end? Any time we spend working with a culture that calls for our destruction, we are working towards our own destruction.
Too many of America’s leaders, such as National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, do not understand, or they choose to ignore the fact, that a Muslim Crusade is underway, a war between civilizations and a war of religions, the Muslims call “Holy War”, Jihad. They don’t want to understand that for the Muslims and their Crusader Jihadis, America and the West is a world to conquer and subjugate under Islam.
Americans must demand that the current Congress exert its rightful control over policy matters, along with President Trump’s rightful authority, to remove the Court’s jurisdiction regarding immigration matters constitutionally under Article III. If this Congress will not, America must elect new people in 2018 who will.
Despite President Trump’s best efforts, today, there still exists the fraudulent mockery promoted by Leftists and Muslim appeasers and apologists, that reveres the Muslim “refugee” and immigrant invaders and slanders the defenders of America, absolves the terrorists and condemns the victims, weeps for the Taliban and curses Americans. In their effort to equate Islam’s “freedom” by way of submission to Allah to America’s real freedom and individual liberty, they essentially compare a tent in the desert to our Capitol Building and the White House.
Islamic ideology that devalues human life, through its belief that Paradise awaits those who “kill and are killed” for Allah (Koran 9:111) and calls openly for Israel’s destruction, this is the ideology that makes it impossible for Americans and Muslims to live in peace. This violent, evil ideology of Islam has no place for Americans or non-Muslims or Europeans and Muslims to live together, alongside on another, in peace on an indefinite basis as equals.
America is ours, and it cannot be for all, so long as billions of people live, who do not love freedom and constitutional governance, like most Americans do. We must see the enemy clearly in this war against Islam, since America’s survival depends on the will of Her people to prevail over Islam. We must gather the will to demand that America’s borders and citizens are protected, while we fight to defend our traditions, principles and virtues at any cost, preserving our culture and way of life in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it. Our American way of life is worth defending with our lives.
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith worked 8 years for the LaVergne Fire Dept – two years as their clean-up boy – and became a working fireman at age 16, working his way through college and subsequently joining the U.S. Army. Since then he primarily have contracted construction and traveled – spending quite a bit of time up and down the Columbia River Gorge, in the Puget Sound on Whidby Island and down around Ft. Lauderdale and South Beach. Justin currently writes a weekly column for The Rutherford Readerin Murfreesboro, TN, which he calls home, in addition to being a frequent contributor to the Federal Observer – and spend as much time as possible with his two beautiful and intelligent daughters and five grandchildren. Justin Love God, Family and Our Magestic and Wonderful America, and am a Son of Liberty.