Notice the media got quiet about Khizr Khan? Turns out he used his dead sons foundation to create piss fetish club on Ashley Madison

August 19, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

Khizr Khan
This story was worked on by Shannon Knutsen, Mark Yuray, and Chuck Johnson. Email us at if you want to join our research group.

The family of Khizr Khan, the anti-Trump Muslim who spoke at the DNC,
was found using cheating site Ashley Madison, as well as found
apparently using the building for Khan’s deceased son’s foundation as
a private fetish sex club.
Khizr Khan got a lot of attention for bringing up his son, Humayun Khan, who died in the Iraq War, in his attack on Trump.

A quick public records search of Khizr Khan reveals he used the e-mail address “”

From LexisNexis

A search of related public records finds it associated with Shaharyar and Omer Khan too — Khizr Khan’s two living sons.

Our researchers who checked the “” e-mail
against a database of leaked data from cheating site Ashley Madison
found the e-mail there too, registered with Omer Khan’s birth date.
That might make Omer Khan “Kinky Lick,” but public records show all three Khan men are associated with the e-mail.

Guess what happens when you Google search “kinky lick?”

From Foursquare

That’s right. Khizr Khan’s former home address is (or was) hosting
what looks like a private fetish sex club called “Kinky Lick’s Wet
Don’t Google what “wet” might refer to, but it ain’t water, folks. Does Sharia approve of that?

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It gets worse too. Guess what else is located at that address?

From YellowPages

That’s right. The Khan family used the same building for the
foundation honoring Capt. Humayun Khan, who died in the Iraq War, as
they did for their private fetish sex club. Did they search for patrons
on Ashley Madison?
Khan moved to Washington, DC and sold the house at that address to
his son Omer in 2010, but we don’t know how long “Kinky Lick’s Wet Room”
has been in business.
Khizr and Shaharyar Khan both used the e-mail address however.

Khan is a Muslim immigration lawyer who previously wrote glowingly of Islamic Sharia law. Are kinky “wet rooms” totally OK under Sharia law?

How about hosting a fetish sex club at the same address as your foundation for your son who died in Iraq?

Maybe at the next DNC in 2020 Khizr Khan will give a speech on urosexual acceptance.

We reached out to Khizr Khan and his two sons for comment. They denied any such activity. This is what they said:

Dear Stephanie:

I spoke with both of my sons.
Eldest does not live with us for the last six years. Youngest with
his wife lives with us. Have never had any such activity or email.
Also I asked about the the Foundation site and my eldest son
confirmed that site from day one since 2004 is hosted by a third party
service provider not us.

Please advise.

Thank you.

That leaves us with more questions than answers. If it wasn’t the
Khan family, where did all these records come from then? All these
social media accounts and web pages?