Lone Gun Shop in Thousands Oaks Receives Unbelievable Response After Shooting, Owner Stunned

November 11, 2018 in News by RBN Staff

thousand oaks crime scene
People stand and watch as the scene unfurls from the intersection of US 101 freeway and the Moorpark Rad exit as police vehicles close off the area outside a country music bar and dance hall in Thousand Oaks, west of Los Angeles, where a gunman opened fire late November 7, 2018, killing at least 12 people, US police said. (Frederic J. Brown / AFP / Getty Images)

Source: www.westernjournal.com

After every tragic crime, the left reliably plays the only tune they seem to know: Guns are to blame.

Yet more and more, people aren’t accepting that narrative. In the city of Thousand Oaks, California — the location of a recent mass shooting — many residents aren’t blaming firearms for crime. Instead, they’re buying one themselves.

On Wednesday, a shocking incident rocked Thousand Oaks and the nation. A 29-year-old man walked into a popular bar and opened fire with a handgun, leaving 12 people, including a sheriff’s deputy, dead.

According to USA Today, VC Defense — the only gun store in Thousand Oaks — has seen an influx of people who want to purchase firearms in the wake of the mass shooting.