November 17, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
So Mesquite police officer Derick L. Wiley shot him again.
“Within 10 seconds of their arrival, he had been shot it the stomach,” Lee Merritt, an attorney representing 31-year-old Lyndo Jones, told WFAA8.
“While on the street suffering from his wound, officers attempted to perform a cavity search and he reacted to that, and he was shot a second time in his back.”
“Mr. Jones reacted to the unlawful sodomy and was consequently shot a second time in the back,” Justine Moore, another attorney representing Jones, said in a written statement.
After being shot in the stomach and back, Jones was transported to Baylor Medical Center where he was handcuffed and shackled to his hospital bed, denied visits from his family and charged with evading arrest or detention six days later.

Lyndo Jones , 31, was shackled to his hospital bed while recovering from life-threatening gun shot wounds after Mesquite police charged him with evading arrest in an attempt to avoid liability for shooting him.
The only problem with that is Jones didn’t commit a crime in the first place, which means police had no legal reason to detain or arrest him.
“That truck was his,” Moore said.
“How can you burglarize your own car?”
Jones remained handcuffed to his hospital bed for six days until November 14 when the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office rejected the charges against him.
He was also interrogated in the hospital without his attorneys present.
“When my investigators spoke to this individual in the hospital today, it was consensual, and it was in reference to him being shot,” Mesquite Police Department spokesman Lt. Brian Parrish said.
“It was not in reference to any offense that he may or may not have been responsible for.”
Jones was sitting in his truck in a parking lot attempting to disable his alarm, which had malfunctioned, when officers showed up and ordered him out of his vehicle.
Police said they were responding to reports of a possible car burglary after somebody nearby called 911 after hearing the alarm.
Jones exited his vehicle with his hands up and attempted to explain to officers that he was trying to fix the alarm on his truck.
“An altercation, a scuffle began and the individual ended up being shot,” Parrish said after the incident.
Police deny performing an anal cavity search.
Instead, they say they were attempting to subdue Jones due to his amplified physical strength.

Lyndo Jones
“The suspect demonstrated such physical strength; it took all three officers to hold him on the ground until paramedics arrived,” police said in a written statement, according to the Dallas Morning News.
“I think that, I’m not an expert on human strength, but I think if someone has been shot and handcuffed and on the ground, and it still takes four large men to hold him down, that might indicate there are other factors in place,” Parrish told CBSlocal after the shooting.
“The issue was keeping him from moving around, from either running off or fighting, that’s why the officers were holding him down.”
Jones was finally released from the hospital Tuesday and said he was happy to go home to see his kids, but didn’t understand why Wiley shot him as he attempted to disable his alarm.
“I don’t know why somebody would do that,” he said during a press conference with his attorney by his side.
“Why? I didn’t do nothing to you or did anything. Why? That’s what I want to know….”
Watch the video taken after Jones’ release from the hospital below.
WATCH: Lyndo Jones, the man shot by Mesquite Police last week after being suspected of breaking into a pickup truck (it was his pickup) and getting into a confrontation with an officer, speaks to the media. He’s still at the hospital. The evading arrest charge against him was dropped tonight. READ MORE:
Posted by CBS DFW on Tuesday, November 14, 2017