Michael Moore reveals plans for major protest at Trump’s Inaugration
December 13, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
Last Wednesday, Moore called for protestors to disrupt Mr. Trump’s inauguration on his Twitter account
(INTELLIHUB) — Michael Moore was honestly one of the few pundits who correctly predicted that Trump would win the election albeit being one of his most vocal critics. Among pollsters, other media commentators and even some members of the Republican party, the possibility of a Trump win was close to nil, zilch, nada, not going to happen.
But the Oscar-winning documentary-maker and left-wing political commentator, has made it crystal clear that he – like the rest of the sore loser liberal populace – will not be accepting the rise of Mr Trump and to that end is planning to lead national protests and planned resistance to disrupt the President-elect’s inauguration in January.
“If by some awful happenstance Trump shows up to be sworn in on January 20th, I will be there helping lead the national protest and non-violently disrupting the inauguration of a man no one other than the electoral college elected – and I’ll also be doing my own thing as a private citizen (activities I won’t disclose now),” Moore told The Hollywood Reporter.
“This impending disaster requires everyone to get involved now – all hands on deck! This is not a drill!” he sounded off.
Moore also thinks it would be foolish to assume the billionaire real estate tycoon would make it to his inauguration at the White House.
“The question assumes [Trump] will be inaugurated. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from this election, don’t assume anything that’s supposed to happen will,” he said. “If I had told you a year ago that a socialist would win nearly half of all the Democratic primaries and caucuses (22), that would have sounded insane.”
Last Wednesday, Moore called for protestors to disrupt Mr. Trump’s inauguration on his Twitter account. He shared a link to #DISRUPTJ20, an event which seeks to mobilise protesters against his democratically legitimate election as President of the United States.
Disrupt the Inauguration. The Majority have spoken – by nearly 2.7 million votes &counting! Silence is not an option https://t.co/HSmP3pREvy
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 7, 2016
Moore’s quoted figure of 2.7 million votes refers to Hillary’s leading popular vote (which is most likely rigged thanks to voter fraud and dead people on the electoral role). But the fact of the matter is that she lost the electoral colleges’ vote and that is that. Trump is the President, period.
The left-wing talking head is also holding onto the faint glimmer of hope that something unexpected may happen between now and January 20th. He told Seth Myers on the NBC Late Night show last week that ”Nothing anyone predicted has happened; the opposite has happened. So is it possible, just possible, that in these next six weeks, something else might happen, something crazy, something we’re not expecting?”