Murders in London Overtake New York for First Time Since 1800 Under Sadiq Khan

April 1, 2018 in News by RBN Staff

Sadiq Khan


London has overtaken New York City for number of murders for the first time in over 200 years under the mayoralty of Labour’sSadiq Khan.

Britain’s multicultural capital edged ahead of the American city — once so notorious for its high crime rates that it was chosen as the setting for Charles Bronson’s Death Wish –– in February, The Times reports.

London saw 15 killings to New York’s 14 over the course of the month, and appears to have outstripped ‘Gotham’ yet again in March, with 22 killings to 21.

Historically, London has had a murder rate per person between half and one-twentieth of New York’s since 1800, according to FBI data and studies by University of California researcher Eric Monkkonen.

The change is partly a consequence of Mayor Khan’s campaign against using stop and search on ethnic minorities, with London police chief Cressida Dick admitting that constables have become “fearful” of confronting suspects as they “might get into trouble or might not be supported if they had a complaint”.

might not be supported if they had a complaint”.

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