NBC Shamelessly Censors Alex Trebek, Cuts Host’s ‘Prayers’ Comment

May 30, 2019 in News, Video by RBN Staff

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NBC Censors Trebek’s ‘Prayers’ Comment

Earlier this year, “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek announced he had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and would undergo serious treatment in a fight for his life.

Following Trebek’s months-long battle, People reported Wednesday that his cancer is in “near remission,” according to his doctors.

In an interview with the magazine, Trebek thanked his fans for the support and “prayers” they’ve sent his way.

But it sure seems like NBC News had no interest in mentioning those “prayers.”

In its story Wednesday night on Trebek’s fight against cancer, NBC’s “Nightly News” removed the “Jeopardy!” host’s mention of “prayers” by his supporters, according to NewsBusters.

First, here’s Trebek’s original quote, as delivered to People:

“I’ve got a couple million people out there who have expressed their good thoughts, their positive energy directed towards me and their prayers,” Trebek told the magazine. “I told the doctors, this has to be more than just the chemo, and they agreed it could very well be an important part of this.”

In the version read aloud Wednesday night by NBC’s Joe Fryer, Trbek’s mention of prayer didn’t quite make the final cut.

“I’ve got a couple million people out there who have expressed good thoughts,” Fryer said, quoting Trebek.

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Fryer then skipped Trebek’s mention of “prayers” and moved on to a different part of his quote: “I told the doctors, this has to be more than just the chemo.”

The “and their prayers” part was cut out of the written, on-screen version of the quote as well.

CBS, meanwhile, decided to go a different route in covering this story. The network’s Wednesday broadcast of “CBS Evening News” simply did not include any mention of Trebek’s praise for his fans’ thoughts and prayers.

“There was some encouraging news today from Alex Trebek,” said “Face the Nation” moderator Margaret Brennan, who was filling in as the evening news host.

“The host of ‘Jeopardy!’ says his doctors tell him that his stage 4 pancreatic cancer is in, quote, ‘near remission.’ In an interview with People magazine, Trebek calls the prognosis ‘mind-boggling’ but says he has several more rounds of chemotherapy to go before he’s declared to be in full remission,” she added.

On ABC’s “World News Tonight,” host David Muir did include Trebek’s mention of “prayers” when reading the quote. Of the three network news outlet’s evening broadcasts, ABC’s was the only one to do so.

ABC, NBC and CBS’ Wednesday night coverage of Trebek’s interview can be seen below:

It’s quite sad to see that some national media outlets have no issues keeping mentions of prayers out of their broadcasts.

It’s truly a shame.

America needs exactly the opposite of what the establishment media is bringing to the table — we need more prayer and less censorship.