Of Epsteins, Lolitas and Hoaxes
August 16, 2019 in News by RBN Staff
The alleged suicide of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, the owner of “Lolita Island,” a place swarming with underage girls and rich and powerful visitors, triggered even many complacent voices into sounding like “conspiracy theorists.” When the likes of The New York Times and trusty veteran Sen. Chuck Schumer are questioning an official narrative, you know that something is up. Attorney General William Barr is demanding answers. And Donald Trump, in typical fashion, retweeted a mention of the Clinton Body Count, and how Epstein may have been the latest addition to it.
Celebrities reacted predictably. Alec Baldwin, Ron Perlman, former WWE star Dave Bautista and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough were among those laughably fingering “Russia,” presumably with straight faces. Will & Grace star Debra Messing was only one of many to directly blame Trump, and tweeted, “He finally killed someone on Fifth Avenue,” referencing the President’s memorable 2016 assertion about being able to get away with anything without losing support. Comedian Patton Oswalt tweeted, “I mean, Trump had him killed. Mon dieu, you fucking idiots.”
Now we are told, by no less than The New York Times, that two guards slept through their scheduled half hour checks on Epstein, and then falsified the records. Early reports indicated that Epstein was on suicide watch at the time, in light of what was initially reported as a physical assault he’d recently suffered at the hands of another in prison, but was later magically transformed into an unsuccessful suicide attempt. When nearly all expressed disbelief that a prisoner under suicide watch could….commit suicide, the narrative was quickly changed to Epstein having been taken off suicide watch.
Epstein was originally placed in a cell with a roommate, reported to have been a particularly violent ex-police officer. At some point, according to CNN, “that person was removed for reasons unknown.” The same unnamed source told CNN that “It’s protocol for inmates coming off suicide watch not to be placed alone in a cell.” A federal official told the nation’s most hilarious source of news that “no foul play was suspected.” An autopsy was performed August 11, but results have not yet been released. Michael Baden, a Fox News contributor known to JFK assassination researchers as a reliable establishment tool whose work with the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that Oswald acted alone, observed the proceedings.
Epstein was charged with sexual trafficking of underage girls in 2007, and received a “sweetheart deal” courtesy of future Trump Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta, and future Trump nemesis Robert Mueller. He was arrested again in early July of this year, charged by New York prosecutors (among them the daughter of Trump nemesis James Comey) with operating a traffic ring of underage girls. Eyebrows were further raised when his trial date was postponed until next year, in a decidedly unusual move.
The arrest and belated attention to the allegations against Epstein, discussed and written about for years by “conspiracy theorists,” stunned me, and others of my ilk. When asked about it in interviews, I confessed to being absolutely baffled. Those at Epstein’s level, charged with these kinds of heinous crimes, are not normally prosecuted for anything, and on the rare occasions they are, it doesn’t garner much media coverage (as was the case in 2007).
The renewed attention to Epstein came about largely as a result of a series of articles in The Miami Herald, written by Julie K. Brown. Brown’s reaction to Epstein’s death echoed what most were saying. “I was pretty stunned. Disbelief. It’s still a little shocking that something like that could have happened given his high-profile status in the Bureau of Prisons,” she said, during an interview with CNN. “There’s so many avenues that have yet to be investigated … other co-conspirators involved in this — but also on how this whole thing happened back in 2008 and why it happened, and whether there’s any corruption there to look at.” I think everyone outside the halls of the mainstream media understands that this case is dripping with corruption.
According to Joseph Recarey, the lead detective on Epstein’s case, he was in effect operating a “sexual pyramid scheme.” Brown discovered about 80 women who claim they were molested or otherwise sexually abused by Epstein, and most assume the total number is much higher. “He told me he wanted them as young as I could find them,’’ Courtney Wild, who recruited 70 or 80 girls for Epstein, told Brown. “He wanted as many girls as I could get him. It was never enough.’’
In a different twist on the usual eugenicist philosophy one invariably finds in the minds of our leaders, Epstein supposedly was plotting to “seed the human race with his DNA by impregnating women at his vast New Mexico ranch,” according to The New York Times. One of Epstein’s tactics during his original prosecution, devised with his powerful legal team led by Alan Dershowitz and former Clinton nemesis Kenneth Starr, was to “dig up dirt” on his female accusers as well as the police and prosecutors working his case. As happens routinely in these cases, there was collateral damage. One alleged young victim became addicted to drugs and served three years in prison. Another woman who’d claimed to be molested by Epstein was found dead of an alleged heroin overdose.
Epstein, by contrast, served just thirteen months in a private wing of a Palm Beach county jail, and was permitted under work release to go to a “comfortable office” for 12 hours a day, six days a week. It was not unlike the sentences doled out to chronic traffic offenders. The FBI had assembled a 53 page indictment that could have resulted in a life sentence for Epstein. Also under this incredible deal, if Epstein had named “any potential co-conspirators,” they would have faced no consequences. And the deal was kept secret from his alleged victims, preventing them from challenging it in court.
Epstein’s personal background is murky and full of suspicious gaps. We are led to believe he somehow went from math teacher to billionaire. Our rigged system just doesn’t work that way. One of his close associates was said to be Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of British publishing magnate and politician Robert Maxwell. Like Epstein himself, Maxwell was suspected of being a Mossad agent. Maxwell died in suitably unnatural style; his naked body found floating in the ocean, with the official cause of death coming from a heart attack and accidental drowning.
However he made his money, and whatever shadowy benefactors aided him, Epstein wound up with Manhattan’s largest single house. He spent much of his time flying around the world in his fleet of private planes, often to the 100 acre secluded island in St. Thomas, where so many notable names visited, and where it is alleged he kept a harem of “Lolitas.” His wealth was questioned by many, including Michael Stroll, who sued Epstein over a failed business deal, and told New York Magazine in 2007, “I never saw him work. Anybody I know that is that wealthy works 26 hours a day. This guy plays 26 hours a day.”
Epstein assembled an impressive list of celebrity friends. First and foremost was Bill Clinton, who is said to have visited “Lolita Island” some 26 times. Actors like Bill Murray and Kevin Spacey, attorney Dershowitz, and Oprah Winfrey are others said to have visited the island. Donald Trump certainly was associated with Epstein in some way, and once called him a “terrific guy” who “enjoys his social life,” specifically noting his predilection for young girls.
Donald Trump was intriguing, as always, with his comments. Not only did he retweet an inference connecting Clinton to Epstein’s death, he said, “The question you have to ask is, ‘Did Bill Clinton go to the island?’ If you find that out, you’re going to know a lot.” There have been claims that Trump didn’t want to visit the island when he found out there were underage girls there, but he has also been accused himself of raping an underage girl. Others claim Trump once had Epstein thrown out of his Mar-a-Lago estate. Clinton, of course, claims never to have visited the island.
In March, the ninety six year old judge overseeing a key lawsuit against Epstein died. Now, at that age, sudden death is hardly unexpected. The question should be; what was a judge that old doing overseeing an important case? Are there 96 year old judges anywhere, overseeing any case?
While almost no one outside those at the very top of the corridors of power believe Jeffrey Epstein actually killed himself, an increasing number of people don’t think he died at all. Is it really that preposterous to imagine him being whisked off the stage, as perhaps other high-ranking One Percenters are? After all, we are led to believe that 96 year old Henry Kissinger, as obese as ever, is able to move, speak, and function perfectly well. Are there any other obese 96 year old people alive anywhere? Is it irresponsible to suggest that Kissinger and his kind are the beneficiaries of secret medical and life extension technology?
Those who have researched widely-reported incidents like the Gabby Giffords shooting, the “Batman” Aurora shooting, Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, Parkland, and many others, understand the gargantuan holes in each official narrative, which lead naturally to sometimes wild theories. As Mark Lane wrote regarding the Warren Report, the failure of authorities to properly investigate inexorably “provides fertile ground for speculation.”
In this case, as in all the other highly publicized incidents, the surveillance cameras that are everywhere in our Orwellian world are said not to have functioned properly. Does anybody outside the world of “conspiracy theorists” even question these things? Before these cameras became installed virtually everywhere, crucial evidence usually was “accidentally destroyed,” or somehow lost, in the most obvious Deep State events. Or classified for “national security” reasons. After all, the government is still withholding documents associated with World War One.
So was the Epstein suicide not a murder, but a hoax? Is he sitting on a beach somewhere, happily sipping a cocktail, laughing with his elite brethren at the unshakable gullibility of the American people?
Reprinted with the author’s permission.