Peggy Hall Explains Why California Businesses Can Stay Open Legally and How Requiring Masks Violates 22 Laws

December 11, 2020 in News, Video by RBN Staff

source: needtoknownews


Peggy Hall of The Healthy American
Peggy Hall uses California as the model, but provides links to research the laws in your state here and here.1. In California, business owners themselves, not the governor, have shut down their businesses. Unless a sheriff padlocks the entrance, the power to stay open lies with business owners. Business owners have closed their doors out of fear of losing their licenses.
2. A business may lose its license only if it violates a law or a state regulation. However, there is no law that requires citizens to wear a mask either in public or in business establishments, nor is there a regulation to require employees or patrons of those establishments to wear a mask. All that exists is an edict from the Governor, who has no authority over any of these matters.
3. A state regulation does exist that prohibits public busineses from discriminating against those who do not wear a mask.
4. Employers are not law enforcement agents and have no authority to act as such.
5. Employers are not medical professionals and have no authority to administer a medical examination or give medical advice, including advice to wear a mask.
6. If a public business refuses entry into its facility for not wearing a mask for health reasons, they are in violation of the California constitution, which protects free movement against false imprisonment.
7. No store may comply with a policy that violates law or the California constitution.
8. There is no sate regulation or law requiring businesses to operate outdoors, to use plexiglass barriers, or to limit capacity or operating hours for health reasons.Laws are created by legislative bodies such as Congress or state legislatures. Governors and mayors cannot enact laws. Their executive orders are binding only on government employees and contractors under their jurisdiction. A business can lose its license only if it violates a regulation that applies to their business. There are no regulations requiring masks, temperature readings, testing, or accepting vaccines (at this time). Failure to do these things cannot be the basis for losing a license. State and county health departments do not want these cases to go to administrative court because they know that cases where no regulations have been violated must be dismissed. -GEG

For six more free videos on this topic, visit The Healthy American ‘Business Help’.  Peggy also offers legal documents and an online seminar for business owners.

Peggy says:

Confused about compliance, violations and fines regarding masks, distancing and other restrictions?

Whether you are a business owner or a customer you NEED to be equipped and empowered to know your rights!

If you own a bar, restaurant, gym, nail salon, har salon, boutique, dentist office, pet store or any and other small businesses, YOU NEED THIS INFORMATION!

Did you know…? If you DO enforce masks and distancing, you are at risk of violating over 22 federal and state laws!

That’s right! There is NO lawful requirement for you to enforce these ridiculous unlawful policies of masks, distancing, plexiglass and other nonsense.

No need to shut down your business!

No need to worry about losing your license! Join thousands of other business owners who have learned how to LAWFULLY “Stay open for good” — regardless of any health order, executive orders or emergency powers.

When there is “no regulation” — there is no violation!


(1) Search for “public health agency” for your city or county.

(2) When you find the website, search for “COVID Updates” or “Public Health Orders”.

(3) Read these carefully to accurately understand the order. You can call the public health agency and have someone explain them to you if you don’t understand.

Link for legal documents and how to research the laws in your state:

Link for Notice of Discrimination for not wearing a mask (includes Educational Notice to Businesses):

Link for your Civil Rights and researching your state’s laws: