Political Prisoner Ryan Payne: Mark McConnell Most Likely Received $25,000 for Informing Feds during Malheur Occupation

September 30, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

via: Freedom Outpost

Well, there are true friends and there are traitorous backstabbers. It appears that political prisoner Ryan Payne is now claiming that Mark McConnell, who was outed in court as an informant for the government, more than likely received $25,000 for his role in betraying the men and women who took a constitutional stand at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge late last year and earlier this year.

The following is from court documents, which we reported about last week concerning Mark McConnell, who is the driver being referred to in the transcript.

Deb Jordan of The Pete Santilli Show reports:

The driver’s name was Mark McConnell, and he wasted no time to go on the defensive when news spread on social media, that according to the testimony of Oregon State Trooper Jeremiah Beckert, he was the informant who gave OSP/FBI the logistics and support they needed to execute the ambush that led to the death of LaVoy Finicum and arrest of Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Shawna Cox, Ryan Payne and Brian Cavalier.   Those closest to McConnell say Mark denies having worked with law enforcement to make possible the ambush that would lead to one man’s death, and the incarceration of occupation leadership.  McConnell’s official stance was, he did not do it and Oregon State Trooper Beckert lied on the stand.  While McConnell, refused to speak with me for the purpose of writing this article, he has spoken to many about what he says was a radical idea being formed at the refuge, and readily admits he did inform Law Enforcement and the FBI of plans to kidnap Sheriff David Ward’s children, and use explosives found on the refuge to blow-up the Harney County Courthouse.

Two days after the death of LaVoy Finicum I spoke with McConnell in room 123, at the now infamous Silver Spur Motel in Burns, Oregon  –  I asked him point blank about how it could be everyone in the convoy was arrested except him?  His reply was simply, “I’m not really sure, but when they questioned me it was pretty clear they didn’t even know who I was” he said. Maybe it was because I wasn’t like all the other retards up there who couldn’t stay off social media.”  I stayed under the radar – I had a room in town – I fed myself, and I didn’t start a fundraiser” I then asked him to please explain to me how it all went down that night.

“It was crazy you know because – I thought, this is it – I’m going to jail,” Jordan said McConnell told her. “Then they put me on my knees and I spent the next two hours on the cold ground.  They questioned me he said, and then after they talked to me for a while they just let me go.  I mean, I guess they figured I was a nobody who just got caught up in the whole thing and that was probably because I was smart and stayed away from the cameras, and so they told me that they couldn’t arrest me because they didn’t have an indictment for me — To be honest I can’t really tell you why I wasn’t arrested.”

For the record, following McConnell’s video posting, Jordan communicated to me that she had suspicions of McConnell being an informant and so did others.

Jordan mentioned that what took place was an ambush, similar to the claims of Shauna Cox.

“It wasn’t a fking ambush he scolded, it was a legal fking stop and people need to stop calling it that!” McConnell told Jordan. “And you wanna know something else?  If LaVoy had rushed me like he did those guys, I probably would have shot him too.”

That’s really all you need to know about Mark McConnell. Anyone viewing the video of Finicum’s murder would see clearly there was not “rushing” by Finicum, nor was it possible for him to do so in over three feet of snow.

Enter Ryan Payne, another Oregon occupier who was arrested on January 26, 2016, along with 7 others. Payne says they needed people to help when they took their stand.

“When the Occupation began we struggled to find people who were willing to come to Oregon to help with the protest and so we all just started calling the contacts in our phones, McConnell was one of those contacts in mine,” he said.

Payne did not want to believe McConnell was an informant. He had been assigned to personal security for Ammon Bundy because of his military training, work on the border and a willingness to stand with them at the refuge.

“Like everything else concerning McConnell, this whole story about kidnapping plans and blowing up buildings, just doesn’t make any sense,” said Payne. “If what Mark is saying were the truth then my arrest would have been about something much different.  It would have been about that, and not a conspiracy to impede BLM and Fish and Wildlife from doing their duty.   Mark didn’t come up there to stop some radical plan — He came there to do just what he said, and that was to watch me, and report back to the FBI like he has been doing for the past two years.”

Payne went on to state that he and his attorney discovered that at least two checks were issued to an informant or informants for participation with the DC government. One of the checks issued to informants was $25,000 and the other was for $10,000. Payne doesn’t know if they were to the same person or two individuals. However, Payne was quick to shoot down any claims that the occupiers were out to do anyone or anything harm

“There was never a plan to kidnap Ward’s kids and there was never a plan to blow up buildings,” he said. “Where is the proof?  Did it ever come out in court?  I was never questioned about it and neither was anyone else to my knowledge except ‘maybe’ Jason (Blomgren) who stated when asked, that there may have been a discussion of last resort plans to plant IED’s to slow down the FBI if they came after us.  And to my knowledge I don’t ever remember even having had that conversation with Jason, nor do I think he ever said I did.”

“No, Mark McConnell was sent there to gather intel and cause division, and that’s exactly what he did and exactly what he’s still doing,” he added. “We all knew the minute he was let go that he had set us all up.  He was working with them to figure out a way to get us all together so they could end the occupation.  And that is exactly what he accomplished, and a good man died because of Mark McConnell.”

Others spoke out about McConnell as well. While McConnell is now a marked man for his betrayal of men and women who took a stand against a criminal government, no one is advocating violence against him, but I think we would all like to see him be brought to justice for his role in aiding and abetting a criminal government in a land seizure. If Judas got his just reward for selling out the Lord Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, then should not Mark McConnell receive something similar under law?