Politically Correct Police Chief Suspends Officer For Flying Confederate Flag- Let’s Call Him

November 14, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

Liberty Fight

Traverse City, Michigan, police Chief Jeff O’Brien just suspended one of his officers, Michael Peters, who dared to fly the confederate flag in his own pickup truck, while off duty. This was while a radical leftist anti-Trump rally was going on in the town.

On the police dept. website, the chief invites input from the public, so let’s give it to him.

“Have concerns that you believe the Chief himself should know about, contact him directly! Chief O’Brien believes that an open channel of communication with the citizens of Traverse City is vital to having the Police Department this city deserves.Traverse City Police Department
Sgt. Dennis W. Finch Law Enforcement Center
851 Woodmere Avenue
Traverse City, MI 49686

(231) 995-5150 – Office


O’Brien’s “chief’s page” states, “We welcome any comments that you have to improve the quality of life in our beautiful city. I can be reached at (231) 995-5155. My email is jobrien@traversecitymi.gov.”

By the way, my great great grandfather, William Wallace Brady, was a judge in Texas and prior to that in his younger years, was a confederate soldier. The flag represents a rich legacy of freedom and independence, rejecting a strong centralized government. Abe Lincoln, in his own writings, admitted that he did not give a shit about ending slavery, he just wanted to prevent states from exercising their rights to secede, which is allowed under the U.S. Constitution. Lincoln was a tyrant who caused the death of an untold number of innocent people with his war between the states. Unfortunately Lincoln is actually my 7th cousin. Here is a short video I recently shot at a monstrously-hideous ‘Abe Lincoln Memorial,‘ which ironically and most appropriately adorns a public toilet in Wyoming.

Many people might not realize that Rand “I meet with Israelis daily” Paul is also against the confederate flag! Rand claims that “the flag is a symbol of murder!”. Rand is a disgrace to his father Ron Paul, who gave speeches in front of the confederate flag. Anyway back to this asswipe police chief O’Brien:

Here is O’Brien’s Facebook post on the matter yesterday. Let’s deluge this creep with Facebook messages too. I wrote, “Chief O’Brien, you are a disgusting left-wing loon who is a disgrace to America, disgrace to the constitution which you swore an oath to and a petty politically correct tyrant. You are pathetic and should be replaced by officer Michael Peters.”

The local newspaper reported: Confederate flag-flying officer suspended Police chief to community: ‘I hear you’


“Traverse City police Chief Jeff O’Brien on Sunday announced he suspended Peters. “He is not working as a police officer,” said Traverse City Police Chief Jeff O’Brien. “I do not condone his actions.” Peters’ behavior was intimidating and not a reflection of the department’s mission, O’Brien said.O’Brien estimated about 100 people emailed him calling for Peters’ termination from the department. He and department leaders launched an internal investigation into whether Peters’ actions violated laws or the department’s code of conduct. O’Brien said any evidence of illegal behavior will be sent to Grand Traverse County prosecutors.”

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Martin Hill is a Catholic paleoconservative and civil rights advocate. His work has been featured in the Los Angeles Daily News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, The Orange County Register, KNBC4 TV Los Angeles, The Press Enterprise, LewRockwell.com, WhatReallyHappened.com, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, Economic Policy Journal, TargetLiberty.com, FreedomsPhoenix, Haaretz, TMZ, Veterans Today, Jonathan Turley blog, The Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show, National Motorists Association, AmericanFreePress.net, RomanCatholicReport.com, WorldNetDaily, HenryMakow.com, OverdriveOnline.com, Educate-Yourself.org, TexeMarrs.com, Dr. Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad radio show, Strike-The-Root.com, Pasadena Weekly, ActivistPost.com, Los Angeles Catholic Lay Mission Newspaper, KFI AM 640, IamtheWitness.com, Redlands Daily Facts, SaveTheMales.ca, BlackBoxVoting, The Michael Badnarik Show, The Wayne Madsen Report, Devvy.com, Rense.com, FromTheTrenchesWorldReport.com, BeforeItsNews.com, The Contra Costa Times, Pasadena Star News, Silicon Valley Mercury News, Long Beach Press Telegram, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, L.A. Harbor Daily Breeze, CopBlock.org, DavidIcke.com, Whittier Daily News, KCLA FM Hollywood, The Fullerton Observer, Antiwar.com, From The Trenches World Report, and many others. Archives can be found at LibertyFight.comand DontWakeMeUp.Org.