Powerful Jews Are Worried, Roll Out Major Holohoax Hysteria Projects

December 28, 2019 in News by RBN Staff

source: russia-insider.com
by Carolyn Yeager

The charge of anti-semitism has become the preferred cudgel used to beat the non-Jewish world into submission to Jewish demands.

Along with the always highly publicized January 27 “International Holocaust Remembrance Day” Anniversary of the Auschwitz-Birkenau liberation—there are several other antisemitism-themed developments that have arisen in December as well. The most closely connected to ‘Holocaust Day’ is the Fifth World Holocaust Forum, scheduled to take place on January 23, 2020 at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, under the auspices of the President of the State of Israel. The four previous Forums were held in Poland, Ukraine and Czech Republic—the last in January 2015, the first in 2005—and all four had the theme “Let My People Live.” This year’s theme is new: “Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting Antisemitism.” More on this later.

Trying to look dignified and friendly, the frontpeople of the Fifth WORLD Holocaust Forum announce their event “Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting Antisemitism” will take place in Jerusalem on Jan. 23, 2020. Left to right: Avner Shalev, Chairman of Yad V

Ronald Lauder takes off the gloves

A brand new “antisemitism watchdog group” was also announced in December: the Antisemitism Accountability Project (ASAP), meant to provide action rather than simply ‘talking about the problem’. It’s funded with $25 million to start by Ronald S. Lauder, cosmetics billionaire and long-time president of the World Jewish Congress (pictured in his New York office below left). According to the ASAP’s own poll, antisemitism has doubled over the past five years. “We need action,” Lauder declared.

The ‘action’ from the ASAP will be watching (“we are watching you”) for antisemitism in universities and college classrooms, monitoring for antisemitic pro-BDS bills as well as classes where professors or lecturers espouse antisemitism. Student snitches, Lauder said, will monitor the classrooms and if there are lecturers who engage in antisemitism, “We will go after their reputation.”