Radical Economic Reengineering After 2020 Election (#1) – Catherine Austin Fitts
August 5, 2019 in News, Video by RBN Staff
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Part #1(Click Here for Part #2)
Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says what is going on in the economy is going to come to an end after the Presidential Election no matter who is in the White House. Fitts explains, “I think we have to face it. We are in trouble now. Is it going to get a lot worse after the 2020 election? Absolutely. When Trump came in, he may not have realized how bad it was. What he’s tried to do is grow out of this. He has basically gone full-on fiscal stimulus and tax reduction to try to grow his way out of the problem. It’s not working, and one of the reasons it’s not working is he is discovering the model in Washington is everybody is on the take. Nobody is interested in building up the whole. I think what Trump is saying is if you don’t make the pie bigger, we are all going to starve.”
Fitts says we also face multiple risks such as “Inflation that is averaging 10% nationally.” The cost of money is another big risk as the “the little guy has a credit card charging 17%, and big banks can borrow from the Fed at 2%.” Another risk is “healthcare freedom.” Even the quality of the food you eat is a growing risk because of deregulation voted in by Congress. Finally, there is risk of conflict both domestically and abroad. Will the U.S. dollar maintain its role as the reserve currency? Fitts has long said, “That is a military question.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Catherine Austin Fitts, publisher of “The Solari Report,” in Part #1 of this must see interview.
After the Interview:
There is much free information at Solari.com. If you want more information or want to buy copies of “The Real Game of Missing Money,” click here.
To see Part #2 of the Catherine Austin Fitts interview titled “Living in an Ongoing Financial Catastrophe,” click here.