Rational Dialog with BLM Is Not Possible
July 18, 2016 in News, Video by RBN Staff
Source: www.theoccidentalobserver.net
By M. Jaggers
If we are to judge from recent events, BLM protestors (and a seemingly overwhelming percentage of Blacks in general) don’t seem able to discern the difference between the impression created by a few seconds of a video clip, and the reality and attendant circumstances behind that video. They know how they feel when they watch a Black apparently being mistreated by police, but any further deductive reasoning is from that point quite impossible. The combination of ignorance and moral certainty is dangerous, as we see in the Dallas shooting of police and other violent protests last weekend.
In their mind, Black Lives Matter protesters have the “evidence” already, because they think that evidence simply means something unpleasant caught on camera. From there they demand immediate retribution, without further deliberation in the legal process. It is ironic that one of the BLM protesters’ trite chants is “No justice, no peace,” considering their complete disregard for the judicial process. But they are good at disturbing the peace, we’ll have to give them that.
The chanting of slogans seems to be the tool of the cognitively incompetent, because it conveniently avoids discussing any facts. The rallying cry, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” is based on a mendacious account of the Michael Brown incident, who did not have his hands up when confronted by Darren Wilson, and did not say “don’t shoot,” but rather went for the cop’s gun. The “Black Lives Matter” chant is repeated in a zombie-like fashion by the protesters. But note that every slogan is based on a faulty premise: that justice has been derailed, that innocent Blacks are being shot, and that the government has somehow devalued Black lives. “We have nothing to lose but our chains,” theychant, enraptured in an orgy of victimization and delusion.
According to Hillary Clinton, Whites are supposed to listen to what Black people are saying, and to feel some empathy. So let’s do that. Here is an individual giving a speech at a BLM rally in Portland last week:
Know your rights, know your laws, and I promise you, if they go about their burden of whatever they said you doin, you pull your pistol out and you fucking bust that. You pull your pistol out and you bust that, because at the end of the day it’s going to be you against them. When we move with the Panthers, trust me, when you see me move, I’m moving in violence.
Granted, this man is affiliated with the Black Panthers, which the media would say has nothing whatsoever to do with BLM. But no one present—at the BLM rally, mind you—objects to his message, and in fact you see an elderly White woman nodding gravely in response to his exhortation to violence. The diatribe darkly foreshadows the events to follow in Dallas.
An Infantile Response
The BLM crowd’s grasp of justice is similar to a child’s familiar lament, “That’s not fair!” A child cannot yet fathom the notion of moral ambiguity, nor can a child understand that justice can be a painstaking process in which the truth is not readily apparent. “It’s not fair!” is not a stance which is open to rational argument nor open to the disclosure of new evidence. Even now, nearly two years after the investigation into the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson showed that the officer was justified, it is routine to hear Blacks acting as if the incident was an obvious example of White racism.
Facts don’t matter. Here’s Jesse Jackson speaking on Fox News Sunday, in which he recites cases where Blacks suffered either death or injury by police, and to his logic, must ipso facto have been dealt with unjustly:
There is a backlog of these killings of Blacks without any consequences. Rodney King was beaten and was on camera, and the four police walked away…Trayvon Martin, the killer walked away, in Michael Brown, Ferguson, the killer walked away. There’s a backlog of pain, and somehow we must look at the issue of violence, on the one hand, which is almost a diversionary issue of poverty.
Rather than re-litigating all of these cases individually, suffice it to say that Black activists such as Jesse Jackson are incapable of objectively viewing these controversies. Likewise, a child has his own highly subjective sense of justice. And however naïve, a child will become indignant and furious when he believes that “fairness” has been violated. His failure to envision a situation from others’ perspectives both defines him as a child, and also reinforces his bullheadedness. Were a child able to consider how his actions were perceived by others, he would be a little slower to make such an embarrassing spectacle of himself in the resultant temper tantrum.
In this situation the temper tantrums are the ridiculous Black Lives Matter protests across the country. These protests have confusingly escalated afterthe killing of five policemen in Dallas by a BLM sympathizer—whereas one would think they would have some shame and be rather on the defense after that. Let’s also chalk this up to a lack of self-awareness.
In the cases from Louisiana and Minnesota, we have some video footage, and the question is, can the viewer recognize that there is a course of events that precede the video clip, even if it is not on their smart phone’s screen that very moment? Being able to move beyond the emotion evoked by a short cell phone video and ascertain the facts seems like a litmus test for adult-level critical thinking skills. Is this at bottom an IQ issue?
BLM protesters rationally present their position to a Fox News Reporter
Can these activists ever acknowledge that Rodney King led police on a dangerous high-speed chase before being accosted on video? We see Freddie Gray on video being dragged to the police van in a forceful manner, but we don’t see him dealing crack before the police arrive, nor do we see what happened inside the police van. We see the video of Philando Castile shot point blank in his car in Minnesota last week, but less sensational is the background information that he matched the description of a Black man who committed armed robbery days prior, announced he had a gun, and did not comply when told not to move by the officer (who we now learn is Hispanic—a fact that is completely ignored by Black activists committed to their White racism narrative).
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