Report: Soldiers Pushed To Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements On Bergdahl’s Disappearance, Rescue Efforts
June 2, 2014 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Truth Revolt
As more information comes in regarding the release of American POW Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five, high-level Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, facts surrounding his capture and the many rescue attempts his fellow soldiers participated in are still murky, at best.
One of the reasons for the vague details regarding the his disappearance is that Bergdahl’s fellow troops were pushed to sign non-disclosure agreements agreeing to never share details regarding his June 30, 2009 disappearance as well as their repeated attempts to win his freedom.
According to CNN, at least six soldiers were killed in rescue attempts and many members of his platoon believe that Taliban attacks on their base increased immediately following Bergdahl’s disappearance. However, it’s hard to get many details or quotes from soldiers regarding how Bergdahl ended up in Taliban hands and the deaths that resulted in the rescue attempts because of the non-disclosure agreements:
Many of Bergdahl’s fellow troops — from the seven or so who knew him best in his squad, to the larger group that comprised the 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division — told CNN that they signed nondisclosure agreements agreeing to never share any information about Bergdahl’s disappearance and the efforts to recapture him. Some were willing to dismiss that document in hopes that the truth would come out about a soldier who they now fear is being hailed as a hero, while the men who lost their lives looking for him are ignored.