Rothschild Imperialism, Presstitutes & Refugees
via: Henderson Lefthook
As refugees continue to pour into Europe, coverage from the Western corporate media has been predictable. Rather than ask the hard question ofwhy so many thousands of desperate people from mostly Syria, Iraq, Libya & Afghanistan are leaving lives, homes and possessions behind to embark on a dangerous journey north, the Presstitutes focus on the human tragedy and the treatment of these refugees by various European nations.
Clinically, it is a classic case of disassociation and denial. These conditions are chronic in the West, where, despite the occasional protest, the imperial war machine marches on.
Which leads us to the even more painful answer to that hard question of why. Simply put, the US and its NATO allies – as per usual in the service of the Rothschild/City of London banksters – either bombed, invaded, occupied or attacked – using their al Qaeda/ISIS fake Muslim terror units – each of these countries.
There would be no Euro refugee crisis if we had not systematically destroyed each of these countries, their infrastructure and their people, all of whom not coincidentally lean to the left.
More importantly, Iraq possesses the world’s 2nd largest oil reserves, Afghanistan is the global epicenter of Crown-controlled poppy production, Syria has major gas deposits and stands in the way of Israeli water, and Libya is Africa’s richest nation and sits strategically on the Mediterranean Sea.
The notion that a psychopathic global elite would hatch a scheme to depopulate this entire area of dark-skinned folk using fake ISIS Mossad squads, so they could then install puppets and commence with resource extraction, is certainly not beyond the pale.
As a bonus, the banksters can get the Euro far right all lathered up and pissing their pants about “illegal immigrants”. Clash of cultures is the bread and butter of the oligarchs. If they can keep us hating some other poor schmuck, they fly below our radar.
Divide and conquer.
Whether this great emptying of the Levant and North Africa is part of some grand plan for a “Greater Israel” or an expanded “Saudi Caliphate” (both tools of the Rothschilds), one thing is sure. This wave of refugees is only the first.
On recent trips to both Guatemala and Nepal, both of which I had visited before, I witnessed the transformation of these nations from Third World to Fourth World countries. Basic things such as clean water no longer exist. Environmental devastation is extreme.
The banksters have used their corporate tentacles to rob nearly all the resources of many countries over the past decades, leaving the people with nothing but a pile of debt, a denuded environment and extreme poverty. Imperialism has taken its toll.
So as the global economy now begins to contract, expect many more refugees. When you meet one, offer them something to eat or a blanket. It’s the least you can do after all those years of cheap gasoline, coffee and clothes, which like it or not your corporate-controlled government pilfered in your name.
We are the people. We must stick together and launch a frontal attack on the psychopath war mongers. And we must acknowledge that this refugee crisis was caused by an imperialist foreign policy which must change.