So-called “whistleblower” makes unspeakable accusations of “child-organ harvesting” against Ukraine…

June 27, 2023 in News by RBN Staff

source:  revolver

June 22, 2023

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There’s this video making waves on social media that everyone’s talking about. It supposedly features a whistleblower who used to work for a European security organization. The woman is speaking out and making some serious claims about Russians discovering something unimaginable in Ukraine. According to this woman, the Russians have found evidence of child-organ-harvesting rings operating in Ukraine. Now, a lot of people are dismissing this video as propaganda, and honestly, it’s not surprising considering how much fake news has been circulating on both sides during this bizarre dustup. Sadly, many U.S. politicians have been pushing the fake Ukraine propaganda, like the silly “Ghost of Kiev” story, former Congressman Adam Kinzinger peddled shamelessly on his Twitter account before he was forced to retire.

The video about the supposed organ harvesting has garnered over 300K views and counting.

A community note from Twitter alleges the video is purely propaganda and they’re probably right.

Here’s what the Red Cross has to say debunking this report.


WHY THE NARRATIVE IS FALSE: The Red Cross has immediately responded to the accusations of pro-Kremlin media, describing them as false. “The ICRC has not collected any such records. The video also insinuated that the ICRC is involved in organ trafficking. This is another unequivocally false allegation”, a press release of the Red Cross reads. The ICRC highlights the fact that its goals are purely humanitarian in nature. “We face challenges operating in areas affected by armed conflict, yes, but our work is designed to alleviate suffering, nothing more. We have faith that most people will recognize false and hasty claims when they see them,” said Jason Straziuso, an ICRC spokesman.

Another report published by the ICRC states that ICRC experts left Mariupol on March 15. At the end of March, the headquarters of ICRC in this city had been bombed. Even the website of “Tsargrad” published a photo of the destroyed headquarters adjoined to the article about the medical records of children stored at the ICRC. The image clearly shows the building had completely burned down, except “a safe with a pile of medical records”!

Petro Andryushchenko, an adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, wrote on Telegram that the occupation forces conducted searches at the headquarters of the Red Cross and discovered some medical records, adding: “It’s the same building Russia destroyed”.

Looks like it’s just normal medical records? Apparently the Russians have leveled these accusations before? Here is what EUvsDisinfo has to say:

There is no evidence to back this very serious allegation against the International Committee of the Red Cross, which has been firmly denied and denounced by the organisation.

In the past, accusing others of organ trafficking has been a recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation technique, be it NATO, Syria’s White Helmets, the Ukrainian army with its own soldiers, or even Mikhail Sakhashvili’s wife. In April 2022, Canada’s Communications Security Establishment (CSE), the country’s foreign signals intelligence agency, warned of an ongoing Russian campaign to promote the message that Ukraine was harvesting the organs of fallen soldiers, women and children and using mobile cremating devices to dispose of the evidence. Similar disinformation efforts, including the use of a Lithuanian pro-Russian activist falsely posing as an OSCE expert, have been observed elsewhere as part of Russian disinformation during its ongoing aggression against Ukraine.

It is fair to note that for the Russians, it would make sense to reveal such information by sharing numerous photos and videos and inviting international teams to investigate. However, they choose to remain silent, which leads you to believe that either there’s more to this horrific story that we don’t know about or it isn’t on the up-and-up. On the other hand, if it was real, it’s highly doubtful the West would choose to investigate the allegations rather than dismissing them, given all we’ve invested in this small Eastern European country. Either way, we pray for all children abroad who are impacted by war, and children everywhere, including here in the US who are facing violence, abuse, and grooming.

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