The CIA Has Never Worked for the American People, Part 3
September 29, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
source: newswithviews
By: Servando Gonzalez September 29th, 2020
Initially, the CIA was structurally divided into four different directorates: Intelligence, Support, Administration, and Plans, each one headed by a Deputy Director. Eventually the Directorate of Administration disappeared, and the Directorate of Science and technology was created. As everything related to the CIA, however, the name Directorate of Plans was intentionally highly misleading. It actually had to do with the armed branch of the CIA, the one devoted to covert military operations of sabotage, subversion, terrorism, and psychological warfare.
After the end of World War II, Allen Dulles served as a government consultant in matters of intelligence. In 1948, after the CIA’s “failure” to forecast Colombia’s Bogotazo riots of April 9, 1948, Dulles was appointed to chair a three-man commission responsible for assessing the U.S. intelligence system and the CIA’s fail- ure to predict the Bogotazo.
The Dulles Report of 1949 (also known as the “Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report”) was a hatchet job on CIA Director Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter. It held Hillenkoetter responsible for what it considered a major and ongoing failure in intelligence coordination.[1] It is interesting to see that the common explanation for the CIA’s alleged “failures” —not connecting the dots for lack of interagency communication— was an excuse invented less than a year after the Agency was created and the CFR conspirators have consistently continued using it ad nauseam. One of the latest examples was the 9/11 Commission Report.
Hillenkoetter was a professional military man, the first CIA Director and the third Director of Central Intelligence of three short-tenured directors of a transitional organization called the Central Intelligence Group —the first two had been Admiral Sidney Souers and General Hoyt Vandenberg. When in the spring of 1947 the Central Intelligence Group was renamed Central Intelligence Agency, Admiral Hillenkoetter, not fully under the control of the CFR conspirators, became the CIA’s first Director.
As a result of Dulles’ biased report and his conspiratorial activities behind the curtains, supported by undersecretary of State Robert Lovett (CFR-controlled, Skull & Bones) and Robert Blum (CFR), an aide to Defense Secretary James Forrestal (CFR),[2] in October 1950 Hillenkoetter was substituted by General Walter Bedell Smith, a CFR member.[3] A year later, in 1951, Dulles was made CIA’s Deputy Director for Plans, the CIA’s clandestine arm in charge of covert operations.
Two years later, in 1953, CFR agent President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed Allen Dulles Director of Central Intelligence and CIA Director. Finally, the CFR conspirators were in full command of the aberrant monster they had created: the CIA. The very same year he was appointed CIA Director, Dulles and his Wall Street masters used the CIA to overthrow Iranian nationalist leader, Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh.
In 1928 the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, the Royal Dutch-Shell, and the Anglo-Iranian AIOC had formed a powerful oil cartel. But Mossadegh nationalized Iran’s oil production, breaking the oil cartel. This action sealed Mossadegh’s fate. Some Rockefeller-controlled American oil companies, in which Dulles was directly involved, feared their interests had been threatened by Mossadegh’s nationalist views. In 1953 Dulles used the newly created CIA’s covert action to overthrow Mossadegh by a CIA planned and executed coup d’ètat. The CIA had used its covert action capacity not to protect the interests of the American people, but the interests of the CFR conspirators.
The Iranian operation was so successful, that they repeated it a year later. In 1954 the CIA planned and executed Operation Ajax, the coup d’ètat that overthrew Guatemala’s democratically elected head of state President Jacobo Arbenz. The reason for this was not because Arbenz threatened the American people but because, a few months after being elected, he nationalized some unused land owned by the United Fruit Company.
Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles, were partners in the Wall Street law firm Sullivan & Cromwell. Among their important clients was the Rockefeller-owned United Fruit. With John Foster Dulles heading the State Department and Allen Dulles heading the CIA, they were the czars of Eisenhower’s foreign policy, and they made sure that the interests of Sullivan & Cromwell clients weren’t ignored.
The Guatemalan coup, which cost American taxpayers $20 million (a considerable amount of money at the time), was perhaps a setback for American interests in Latin America, because it reinforced the image of an imperial U.S. forcibly affecting the destinies of her Latin American neighbors. It was, however, a total success for CIA director Allen Dulles and his powerful CFR masters.
The Mossadegh and Arbenz operations were so successful that the CFR conspirators have repeated the same procedure again and again with good results. Some years later they did it again in Chile.
After a long process of destabilization carried out by both the CIA and its secret agent Fidel Castro, in September 1973 democratically elected Chilean President Salvador Allende was overthrown by a coup d’ètat. The Agency had run a powerful propaganda campaign against Allende, directed at convincing the conservative middle classes that Allende was a Stalinist would-be despot and a tool of Moscow and Castro. On his part, Castro carried out a propaganda campaign directed at convincing the left that Allende was not radical enough.
It was not a coincidence that John McCone (CFR), a former CIA Director, headed the ITT, one of the U.S. corporations actively involved in the coup. Also, war criminal Henry Kissinger (CFR) played an active role in the coup against Allende.
The CIA has been one of the best tools used by the conspirators entrenched in the Council on Foreign Relations in their pursuit of a communo-fascist global government controlled by transnational corporations, which they call the New World Order. A simple analysis of the CIA’s “failures” shows that they seamlessly match with the CFR’s successes in national and international politics.
In the conduct of their nefarious businesses, the CFR conspirators have used not only their own information collection capabilities through their secret agents operating inside transnational corporations, Wall Street banks, and the State De- partment, but also the raw information[4] obtained through the gathering and collecting capabilities of the CIA, the NSA, and other U.S. intelligence agencies. They have, however, ignored the CIA’s intelligence analysis capabilities, because, having their own intelligence analysts at the CFR they don’t need the Agency’s.
The CFR conspirators have never given any importance to the allegedly most important CIA Directorate: Intelligence.[5] That is precisely the area where raw information is collected and converted, through careful analysis and evaluation, into intelligence, before passing it, together with the analysts’ assessments, to the country’s leaders —usually in the form of an intelligence report or estimate forecasting what the opposition would do or would not do— as an objective tool to take into consideration when making foreign policy decisions.
But intelligence, like any other product of the human intellect, is very subjective. It is conformed and modeled by the assumptions of the people who create it, the intelligence analysts. And an important element in the creation of intelligence departing from raw information is the knowledge the intelligence analysts have, not only about the opposition but also of the consumers of the intelligence they produce —in the CIA’s case, the executive branch of the U.S. government.
As I have shown above in these articles, however, the true executive branch of the U.S. Government is not in Washington D.C., but in Manhattan. This explains why the true goals and policies of the U.S. government, under the control of the CFR conspirators, are not what it claims to be.
But the people in government, that is, the people who really control the U.S. government behind the scenes —in this case the CFR conspirators— don’t share their secret goals and policies with anybody except the trusted members of the inner core of the CFR, who obviously are not intelligence analysts working for the CIA.
Therefore, because of their wrong assumptions about who they are really working for, intelligence analyses and estimates produced by CIA intelligence analysts most of the time were not good for the CFR conspirators. Actually, in most cases they were highly damaging for the conspirators.
So, some of them canceived a weird idea. They called it “Team B.”
Click here for [Part 1], [Part 2]
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- In his study of the first years of the CIA, The Central Intelligence Agency: An Instrument of Government to 1950 (University Park, Pennsylvania: The Penn- sylvania State University Press, 1990), Arthur B. Darling, the Agency’s first official historian and a scholar of honor and integrity, heavily criticized the Dulles-jackson-Correa report. When Allen Dulles became CIA Director in 1953 he restricted access to Darling’s study, which was not made public until 1990.
- Forrestal eventually became one of the CFR’s strongest critics, but at the time of the Hillenkoetter affair he was still under the control of the conspirators.
- In honor to truth, at that time even some CFR members were not fully under the control of the CFR conspirators. I think General Bedell Smith may have been one of them.
- Sometimes erroneously called “raw intelligence.” But, by definition, intelligence is a very elaborated product. There is nothing raw in it. Actually, the most accepted definition of intelligence is “information (raw data) that has been evaluated and validated. Therefore, “raw intelligence” is a contradiction in terms. 20.
- See, i.e., Rowan Scarborough, Sabotage: America’s Enemies Within the CIA (Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2007), pp., 14, 18-19, 22-24. Also, Ralph W. McGehee, Deadly Deceits: My 25 Years in the CIA (New York, Sheridan Square Publications, 1983), pp. 190, 192.
Servando’s new book, Coronavirus for Dunces, is available at and other bookstores online.