*** The Incredible Shrinking Bibi Satanyahoo *** [Trump’s Jewish-Power Gambit …]

January 26, 2023 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff


Source: RealHistoryChan.com | Anti-New York Times

*** The Incredible Shrinking Bibi Satanyahoo ***

Aryeh Deri, left, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this month in Jerusalem. Mr. Deri’s support is key to the survival of the coalition government.

JANUARY 26, 2023

NY Times: Netanyahu Fires a Top Minister to Comply With a Supreme Court Ruling.

Aryeh Deri, who has a conviction for tax fraud, was deemed unfit to serve in the government, leaving Prime Minister Netanyahu in a legal and political predicament.


The worldwide strangeness tour brings us to the Sh**ty Little State that has been nothing but a headache and a bloody thorn in America’s side ever since its conspiratorial pre-founders drafted the Balfour Declaration — that dirty Zionist-UK deal which would prolong World War I by finally dragging the United States into the bloodbath. The modern day front-man for the insane dream of establishing a Zionist superstate stretching from the Euphrates River (Iraq) to the Nile (Egypt) is (was) Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu — who we like to refer to as Bibi Satanyahoo. With the exception of Balfour conspirator Chaim Weizmann and Kennedy killer David Ben Gurion, no Israeli political personage has wielded as much power and influence — both domestically and internationally — than this soulless bloodthirsty fanatic.

The ultra-nationalist Satanyahoo has held the office of Israeli Prime Minister for 15 years over three separate terms, including this one which is only one month old. He has chaired the ever-war-mongering Likud Party for the past 18 years. At varying times, he has been Finance Minister, Foreign Minister and Representative to the United Nations. Satanyahoo was not only a political giant at home. Presidents, Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers, Intelligence Chiefs and politicians worldwide — even those who were known to have hated him *— genuflected in his presence and showed him the utmost respect. But now, both at home and abroad, and in spite of his recent re-installment (if it’s even him?) by the slimmest of margins, everything about this formerly fearsome loony Likudnik screams “has been.”

* Editor’s Note: Not all of the hatred for Satanyahoo comes from America First patriots. Since the days of FDR, many Globalists have generally disliked ultra-nationalist Zionists because their regional imperialism has always complicated the efforts of Globalists, and their corrupt Arab stooges, to get the Arab people on board with the New World Order.

The decline of Satanyahoo is remarkable. What the heck happened? Yet again, the truthful and provable answer is simply this: Trump happened. That’s what! Let me explain.




At varying times, Satanyahoo’s sick dream of involving the US in a major regional war against Iran and Syria appeared to be in the process of becoming a reality. Now, with the US out of the Middle East and Russia in, the Greater Israel Project is dead.



1. Globalist Bill Clinton hated Ultra-Nationalist Satanyahoo (here) // 2.  Globalist Barack Obama hated Ultra-Nationalist Satanyahoo (here) // 3. Globalist Nicolas Sarkozy (French PM) hated Ultra-Nationalist Satanyahoo  (here)
You see, boys and girls — Satanyahoo’s power — and that of the Sh**ty Little State and its Israel Firster agents in general — derived from the capability to politically cow American leaders through the deployment of 5 formidable weapons of irregular covert warfare. They were:

1. Honey & Pedo Sex Blackmail Traps (Wexner-Epstein-Maxwell Island)
2. The Israel Lobby (AIPAC)
3. The Evangelical “Christian-Zionist” loons. (led by the Paid Pastors)
4. The “Neo-Conservatives” of the Republican Party (Bush, Cheney, Romney et al)
5. The “Neo-Conservative” writers and commentators. (George Will, Bill Kristol at al)

By simply pressing any or all of these buttons, Satanyahoo’s Mossad had the capability to whip up a firestorm and induce pants-wetting fear in any Republican’t — as well as a certain level of intimidation among even the most Soros-protected Demonrats. When Trump arrived upon the “world stage ,” he understood that in addition to the Globalists on the Left — he was also facing a very formidable adversary who could wield tremendous influence from the neo-conned Israel Firster “Right.” But Trump had a plan.




1 & 2. The Satanic temple on Epstein-Maxwell’s perverted Mossad Blackmail Island has the blue & white stripes of the Israeli flag. // 2. Satanyahoo speaks before the conference of the AIPAC powerhouse lobby.



1. Satanyahoo (who owned the crooked Paid Pastors) speaks before Christians United For Israel — an organization of deluded “end times” crazies that was even more fearsome than AIPAC.  // 2. Though also Globalist, the Bush-Cheney wing of the GOP was completely in cahoots with Satanyahoo’s Likud. // 3. Pro Likud Neo-Con pundit “intellectuals” such as George Will & William Kristol told GOP loyalists what to think.
As the very first order of business, before Trump could even think of moving against Mossad, he had to neutralize (((their))) ability to stir up the Evangelical Christian Zionist Hornet’s Nest (about 30 million of these deluded fanatics populate GOP voting ranks.) This was accomplished by way of necessarily nauseating displays such as:

* An unusual public chumminess with Satanyahoo
Anti-Muslim language and “travel bans”
* Condemnations of “antisemitism”
* Boasts about his Jewish grandchildren / Jared Kushner
The harmless bombing of a Syrian field
The much-hyped though actually unimportant moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem
The equally hyped and equally unimportant recognition of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory (Israel had already stolen and colonized the Heights 55 years ago).
A beanie-wearing visit to the Wailing Wall
Somber statements about the Holohoax
Waving the Bible around for photo ops
* Inviting the Paid Pastors to the White House for prayer sessions
Declarations of love and promises of protection for Israel
Menorah lighting photo ops at the White House
Empty threats hurled at Iran
A make-believe assassination of an Iranian General

All of this clever cosmetic posturing (aka “optics”) sent both the Scofield Bible crazies and also the normies of Israel into an orgasmic love frenzy over Trump — “the great defender of Israel.”  By this strategic design, Trump essentially displaced both Bibi and his Paid Pastors as the leader of their respective flocks.

* Editor’s Note: The grand deception also had the predictable and unavoidable consequence of upsetting many on the “far right” (myself included, in the beginning). Online Deep State operatives — posing as “far right” — are also inciting this schism. Many still don’t understand the chess, and some can no longer be reasoned with.

The Donald further weakened Satanyahoo’s hand by:

Shutting down Epstein-Maxwell Blackmail Island
* Ending the CIA’s funding of Mossad-controlled ISIS
* Pulling out of the Middle East — leaving Russia & Iran as the regional protectors
* Shaming and chasing the Neo
-Con politicians and commentators out of the GOP
* Deliberately engineering a destructive divide & conquer rift within AIPAC — with the Israel Firsters loving him and the Marxist Zionists hating him.

Having deactivated all of these irregular weapons, Trump was then able to throw Satanyahoo — as well as the late Zionist GOP money-man Sheldon Adelson — out like used-up lemons. The historically DEADLY “antisemitism” card could never be played against Trump — although “they” certainly did try to brand him as such, but with no effect. THIS is how a wise hunter gradually lures, traps and de-claws / de-fangs a large and dangerous wild animal — NOT by charging it with bare hands in a frontal assault screaming: “da Jews! da Jews! da Jews!” — as certain “black pill” keyboard generals of the “far right” had wanted Trump to do.

Bibi, at least as an international kingpin and dangerous war agitator, is, after 25 years, finally finished. — And Trump himself, when asked about him in 2021, said it best:

“F*** him!”

Tell it, Trump. Tell it!



Nice touch with the matching Israeli Blue ties

By making himself so loved among both Christian Zionists and Israeli normies, Trump positioned himself to outmaneuver Satanyahoo and his powerful Paid Pastors. The Paid Pastors have since turned on Trump for “being used,” — but it’s far too late now to turn the lost flocks away from Lord Trump.



Bible Boy Trump wows the Scofield Cult — Always a method to his madness.



The headlines speak for themselves.

Trump knew what he was dealing with all along. He played Satanyahoo & Sheldon Adelson accordingly — chumming up with them (using Adelson’s cash) while stealthily neutralizing and / or co-opting all of Israel’s weapons of irregular warfare (including the Evangelical leaders) and then discarding them like pieces of dog [poop] when the time was right.



Boobus Americanus 1:  I read in the New York Times today that Netanyahu’s new administration is already floundering.

Boobus Americanus 2:  He doesn’t seem to have the international clout he once had.
St Sugar: Patriotss are in control, Boobuss!

Editor: Though I would never trust ANY Israeli, I do believe that there plenty of saner heads in high places over there who wanted no part of Satanyahoo’s World War III. Trump and Military Intel may have some Israeli allies to work with in this respect.