The Sandy Hook Alleged FEMA Drill – Mainstream Media Being Sued for Fomenting Terrorism Amongst the U.S. Citizenry
March 28, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
By: David Deschesne
Fort Fairfield Journal, January 3, 2015
NEW LONDON, Conn.—Civil lawsuits totaling over a trillion dollars have been filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut against several mainstream news corporations regarding their allegedly spreading of the hoax of mass shooting deaths at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.
Author and documentary filmmaker, William Brandon Shanley, from New London, Connecticut has filed the civil lawsuits after it was determined the alleged mass shooting was merely just a drill at an abandoned school, nobody died at the school building on that day and various news reporting companies were working in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and others who were politically motivated in order to present a FEMA National Level Exercise (NLE) drill as if it were a factual event.
Annual crime statistics released by the F.B.I. last Fall indicate that nobody was murdered in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012, thus conflicting with the government’s and mainstream media’s account of the story where they claimed nearly two dozen people died as a result of a mass shooting there.
“After exhaustive research, the good news is that overwhelming evidence reveals that no children or teachers died at Sandy Hook two years ago,” Mr. Shanley said in a press release. “For relief, I have filed lawsuits against the media in US District Court in New Haven for Fraud and Terrorism.”
He also claims the famous photo of a female police officer leading children away from the school that appeared in several national publications was staged and did not even occur on the day of the alleged shooting.
According to the press release, Shanley plans to call as witnesses investigative journalist for Veterans Today, Dr. James Fetzer Ph. D. and former Florida State Trooper, Wolfgang Halbig, who has also closely investigated the event and has information revealing that it was a “false flag.”
In addition to being on the editorial board of Veterans Today, Dr. Fetzer, a former U.S. Marine Corps officer, is also Distinguished McKnight University Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. He has published more than 100 articles and reviews and 20 books in the philosophy of science and on the theoretical foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science.
“William Shanley has undertaken a most courageous step by bringing a series of lawsuits related to the fraud known as Sandy Hook. I have published dozens of articles about it, among the most recent being, Rejoice for Christmas: No one died at Sandy Hook or at the Boston Bombing andThe Sandy Hook Hoax: How We Know it Didn’t Happen. Another telling article is Sandy Hook Redux: Obama Officials Confirm That it was a Drill and No Children Died. We are dealing with facts, not opinions and not speculation,” said Fetzer, who has published those articles in Veterans Today.
“Among our findings are: (1) that Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed by 2008 and used as a prop in 2012; (2) that there should have been some 469 students to evacuate, but no evacuation was taking place (because no students were there); (3) the ‘iconic’ photograph (where the children were even rearranged to get ‘the best shot’) was staged; and (4) the ‘official report’ by Danbury State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky does not establish a causal nexus that ties the alleged shooter to his victims or weapons he is alleged to have used,” Fetzer told the Fort Fairfield Journal. “We have even located the FEMA manual for a drill to be held on the 13th and FBI confirmation that no one was murdered in Newtown in 2012. Anyone who thinks we are ‘conspiracy nuts’ should look at the evidence. But, I freely admit, we have to be just a bit crazy to be taking this on. As George Orwell observed, ‘Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.’ This was fake terrorism intended to instill fear into the American public to promote a political (gun-control) agenda. It is fortunate that no one died.”
Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida State Trooper and school administrator of 36 years, up to vice-principal and principal, and a nationally recognized school safety expert says it has taken him almost two years to put this school shooting conspiracy puzzle together. “It probably would never have happened until two homicide investigators came to my home in Sorrento, Florida from the Lake County Sheriff’s office with directives from the Connecticut State Police that if I do not stop asking questions about Sandy Hook then the Connecticut State Police will arrest me,” Halbig told the Fort Fairfield Journal.
Undaunted, Halbig points to crime scene photos taken from the Sandy Hook elementary school showing it covered in water damage, mold and in a general state of disrepair, looking like it had been abandoned for some time, and says no school principal would have allowed their children to be taught in a place of such disrepair. “No school principal would have ever allowed her school to be so filthy and deplorable looking, which so many people just do not understand,” Halbig told the Fort Fairfield Journal. “Go to an Elementary School and look at how he or she maintains that school from the outside in. The inside must smell clean, look clean and show that they have a school environment and school climate in which children can learn and teachers can teach. I investigated the Sandy Hook School shooting as a former school administrator—an angle which Homeland Security and FEMA failed to understand when writing the scripts for that event.” The dilapidated state of the building indicates it had been abandoned for some time and was not occupied by staff or students on the day of the alleged shooting.
Halbig also told the Fort Fairfield Journal that he believes the Sandy Hook staged shooting was part of a larger psy-op designed to cause mass mental health issues in the society, thereby disarming a large portion of the populace. “It is not all about guns it is all about Mental Health. If you have a mental health issue at an early age, and it is documented, a decade later you will never be able to buy a gun. They are coming in the backdoor since our Constitution allows us to own guns, but not if you have a mental health issue.”
Shanley outlines how the Defendants allegedly “entered in a multi-year conspiracy, meeting in groups separately and together, to commit fraud and terrorism, i.e., to brainwash the public into thinking a lone gunman drill known as the “Sandy Hook Massacre” was real, when in fact it was a staged FEMA National Level Exercise Event that redirected government resources to terrorize the public. These crimes were undertaken with the intent of subverting the US Constitution and to affect national, state and local laws.This fraud involved lying to the public, faking news, publishing one-sided news reports, censoring reality, suppressing facts, and deliberately skewing the news to shift public perceptions.”