The word, “bridge” does not appear in the bible; “wall” does.
October 4, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
“Wall” Appears And God Instructs People Under Siege to Build Them

That’s right, the word “bridge” does not appear in the bible. The word “wall” does appear and the Creator instructed people to build one particular wall to repel an invasion.* As those people whom God had advised had good reason to suspect siege from an earthly enemy, those who worked on that wall did so with one hand on their weapon. This is sort of like working, today, on building a wall at a nation’s border while a rifle is slung over a shoulder. Huh? Imagine the reception of such advice today by the liberal sort who either hate our land and its inhabitants, “we the people,” and want it and us destroyed by the unfettered invasion of people who do not share our values, or are just too stupid to understand the obvious consequences of such a “migration.”
And, yes, “gate,” like “door,” also appears. “Door” is a valve that is used to control passage through a wall. The door is not so much a tool of denial, but of entry or passage which is controlled, observed and is used to allow the desired to pass through a wall while denying those who, for cause, are undesired.
The wall with a door denies the lawless, not the lawful.
Fear not the wall if you are lawful.
Je Suis Spike
*So those of you who claim that allowing people who do not accept the culture of a nation to invade that nation is an act of love, (I’m thinking Bushes, here), go ahead, send more of your money to the government, we won’t stop you. Show us what you claim to be your Christian charity. Chumps, that’s government largesse, not Christian charity. By the way, 20 MILLION PEOPLE ENTERING AMERICA ILLEGALLY- as has been estimated to have occurred in the last 30 years- IS AN INVASION and one of the responsibilities of the “federal” government is to REPEL INVASION (See united States Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 15). This is just one in a million failures of Washington D.C.