They Are After Your Guns and Here is the Proof

June 18, 2014 in News by RBN Staff

Source: Conservative Byte

Obama is drooling at the mouth to get all Americans disarmed.

Check it out:

How many laws have to be passed before you believe they are after your guns? President Obama and the left have an aggressive gun control agenda – and it’s hiding plain sight.

Yet even in respected circles there are many who believe we only need to enact new legislation further restricting gun and ammunition ownership and our problems with crime and mental health will go away.

The anti-Second Amendment crowd and the mainstream media cheerleaders who act as gun control first-responders to mass murder by sociopaths have convinced far too many that criminals will stop acting criminally if only more and more laws can be enacted.

So you think gun control advocates are not trying to take away your right to keep and bear arms? That ultimately their goal isn’t to do away with the Second Amendment and disarm the citizens of the United States one way or another?

Are you one of these folks who say they support gun ownership, but only want “reasonable” gun laws restricting “military style” weapons and “gun-free” zones will protect students from school shootings like the tragedy that occurred at the Sandy Hook?