Redskins trademark revoked by Obama’s US Patent Office in outrageous show of power
June 18, 2014 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Biz Pac Review
The Obama administration’s five-year assault on the rule of law advanced on a new front Wednesday when the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office revoked six trademarks of the Washington Redskins because Harry Reid doesn’t want to lose his majority leader office.
In a ruling that came almost a year after the board heard arguments in a case where the trademarks were challenged by American Indian advocates who claimed the name “Redskins” is a recognized racial slur that didn’t deserve trademark status, according to USA Today.
The team and its owner, Daniel Snyder, are virtually certain to appeal it in federal court, just as it appealed a similar ruling the board issued in 1999 (during Bill Clinton’s second term) and won in 2003 (in George W. Bush’s first term.)
The latest ruling came after months of increasing political pressure by Reid, who in late May organized a letter signed by 50 Senate Democrats urging the team to change its name because it is supposedly offensive to Native Americans.
To give an idea of the depth of Reid’s sincerity, the letter was not circulated among Senate Republicans, according to the New York Times, meaning the whole exercise is a transparent game of politics.
In short, because the Obama administration has presided over a moribund economy, thanks in no small part to Reid’s assistance and the passage of the American albatross known as Obamacare, Reid’s Democrats are in serious danger of losing the Senate this year – which means Reid loses his powerful post.
So he’s pulling out every stop to ensure that doesn’t happen, including incessant pandering to minority groups with gambits like his sudden loathing for the name of a team that has been there since Reid first arrived in Washington almost three decades ago.
According to USA Today, the decision was made by the ostensibly independent Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, an ostensibly independent administrative group within the U.S. Patent Office.
But if the IRS scandal proves anything, it’s that there’s no such thing as a non-political arm of the administrative state in the Age of Obama.
Reid’s statements after the ruling’s announcement have the air of the gloating despot he’s spent years becoming – with the help of millions of deluded Democratic voters who don’t know what they’re asking for.
“The writing’s on the wall,” Reid said, according to the Washington Times.
“Dan Snyder may be the last person in the world to realize this but it’s just a matter of time until he’s forced to change and do the right thing.”
Here’s the problem, as always for liberals. When they dismantle the rule of law, when the Redskins can be “forced” to do the right thing, the next Senate majority leader might have different ideas of what the right thing is.
Will the United Negro College Fund lose its trademark under a different regime? Is the NAACP’s trademark secure?
Only Harry Reid knows for sure – this year.