This Thing Called “Israel”

May 23, 2016 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff

by Carol J. Asher

This article should be fairly brief, its purpose being to make but a single point.  It is to re-state a major point made in a lengthier article posted on this site a couple of months ago.  It is the one, rock-bottom point that I do not hear made nearly enough – – despite all of the endless yarns of debate spun constantly both by and about this 68-year monstrous political creature, “Israel.”  The “why” of this repeat is simple:  The point cannot be made too often…..not until such time as the world finally GETS IT and responds properly to it!  So here it is:

Let there be no mistake: Political “Israel” is an aberation, an artificial concoction.  It is the product, the result, of orchestrated, “legitimized” theft – – a political entity arbitrarily superimposed upon a Land which diverse peoples had built and called home for literal millennia.  This being the case, the one question perpetually ringing in my head is this:  Why do the politicos of the world continue to refer to and deal with this rogue regime as if it indeed had legitimacy, and were deserving of all the recognitions accorded ruling powers which truly are legitimate?!  While every one and every created thing has an innate right to exist, the timeless, changeless, universal rule of life is that neither an individual nor any other entity has a right to exist on stolen property.  ALL rights stop short of property belonging to another.

A Palestinian girl walks in front of a section of the controversial Israeli barrier in al-Ram in the West Bank on the outskirts of Jerusalem May 25, 2011. Palestinians and Israelis alike saw little prospect of a fresh start to Middle East peace talks on Wednesday after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's keynote speech to Congress. REUTERS/Baz Ratner (WEST BANK - Tags: POLITICS IMAGES OF THE DAY) - RTR2MVQT

A Palestinian girl walks in front of a section of the controversial Israeli barrier in al-Ram in the West Bank on the outskirts of Jerusalem May 25, 2011. Palestinians and Israelis alike saw little prospect of a fresh start to Middle East peace talks on Wednesday after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s keynote speech to Congress. REUTERS/Baz Ratner

The world over, personal property is recognized as sacrosanct, or at least should be!  And again, that proscription goes for tribes and nations, as well as for individuals. 
Should this be so hard to understand?  I have to wonder how far I would get barging in on property that Bibi Netanyahoo, for example, now claims and guards as his own?!  Or how about me impinging on Donald Trump, or on my next door neighbor, or on anyone else, for that matter?  Imagining that I could ever succeed in weaseling my way in somewhere, uninvited, do we think the reactive response would ever be any sort of negotiated agreement (between me the intruder and the offended party) such as the best “two-state” solution some hope for in the Palestinian/Israeli case?  Fat chance of that happening!  Instead, I would be unceremoniously thrown out on my keister in short order…..and rightly so.  The bottom line is that EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE understands the principle…..yet for some inexplicable reason, few seem stalwart enough to apply it in cases like where the devastated, all but annihilated, Land of Palestine is concerned.  I, for one, will NEVER understand why this is!

Admittedly, the recorded history of our planet is replete with numerous other instances of invasions, conquerings, usurpations, confiscations.  Few, however, more blatant and more totally genocidal than in the case of this modern day “Israel” thing…..and the world (in particular the U.S.) is already about 7 decades late in calling this regime out for the “flesh-eating,” global demon that it is.  This artificially created monster has been allowed to steal and murder the Holy Land of Palestine, yet that is but step one, established only as a “home” base, from whence the demonic regime plans to constantly expand operations toward what is called their “Greater Israel,” stretching far beyond Palestine, swallowing up many additional lands and resources throughout the regions to the north, to the south and to the east.


Eretz Israel: The plan for ‘Greater Israel’

So there you have again my one point restated.  For at least as long as I physically live and breathe, I will continue stating it.  And how can I not?  Would I want done to me and my life and property what my own government has been paying to have done to other innocent peoples?  A ridiculous question, to say the least!  But what, then, of a possible solution or remedy?  We’re faced with an artificial “superstate” that simply should not be there, yet it is.  Entire generations have grown up under the bully pulpit of this Bolshevik Israeli regime, its influences long since deeply entrenched.  At this advanced stage, there may be little hope of returning the Holy Land to the state it enjoyed prior to 1948.  Perhaps now the best that can be hoped, prayed and worked for is to see all the legitimate, peace-loving powers of earth come together as one to force the offending parties to relinquish their wrongful controls, and with some semblance of civility, humility and honor, begin to cooperate in the re-building of one nation, one Land for all peoples choosing to live there.  Some may say that I seek a pipe dream, an impossibility that will never come to be.  I pray they are wrong on that, but even if (Heaven forbid) that should prove true, to my dying breath I will never cease calling for it, and also appealing to all others of good will to join me in the same endeavor.

In the Christ Spirit, so may it be!