Thousands ride in support of Confederate flag at Marion County complex
July 13, 2015 in News by RBN Staff
“On Sunday, a few black people participated in the ride. One of them, Renee Gore, 34, of Dunnellon, said that to her the flag means “heritage, love and family.”
Another black person, Dwayne Webb, 23, of Ocala, said he came specifically “to show people (the flag) is not about prejudice and hate.” For Webb, the flag represents “good living, respect, and honesty,” things that he associates with the South.”
Source: Ocala Star Banner
Published: Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 2:28 p.m.
Last Modified: Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 2:28 p.m.
Bruce Ackerman/Ocala Star-Banner Rebel flags and American flags fly from pickup trucks at the start of the Florida Southern Pride Ride at the Southeastern Livestock Pavilion in Ocala, Fla. on Sunday, July 12, 2015. Thousands of people on motorcycles and in trucks flews their Rebel flags to take part in the rally and ride Sunday afternoon in support of keeping a Confederate flag flying in front of the McPherson Governmental Complex in Ocala. (Star-Banner Photo/Bruce Ackerman) 2015.
An estimated 2,000 vehicles, mostly motorcycles and trucks adorned with Rebel flags, took part in a rally and ride Sunday afternoon in support of keeping a Confederate flag flying in front of the McPherson Governmental Complex in Ocala.
The event was organized by David Stone, of Ocala, and was called the Florida Southern Pride Ride. Police officials estimated participation at a couple thousand vehicles.
The ride started about 1 p.m., and by 1:30 p.m. could be seen winding its way through Ocala.
Participants were wearing shirts that said “heritage not hate” and talked of defending a way of life rooted in Southern traditions.
Danny Hart, of Dunnellon, had two Confederate flags and the American flag in the back of his truck. He pointed out that the U.S. flag was flying higher and said that he had come to participate in the ride to “defend freedom.”
Another ride participant, Rick Hart, said, “It’s a history thing. The flag is also a military flag. It’s not a race symbol.”
Phil Walters, a member of the Confederate Sons of America, felt compelled to attend to defend history against what he calls “intellectual dishonesty.” Walters said the NAACP’s 1991 resolution “abhorring the Confederate Battle Flag” has set the tone for conflict and hatred.
“According to the U.S. Congress, Confederate veterans are war veterans,” said Walters, whose branch of the Sons is named for Judah P. Benjamin, the Jewish secretary of state under Confederate President Jefferson Davis.
“The South was fighting for states’ rights, and the Northern slaves were freed after Southern slaves. Slavery is a guilt across the human race.”
A replica of the General Lee from the 1979-85 “The Dukes of Hazzard” TV show led the way during the ride, followed by motorcycles and then pickup trucks. The ride was expected to be 17 miles total and loop back to parking lots north of the city on North U.S. 441.
Ocala Police Department Sgt. Erica Hay said the ride was rerouted away from the Northwoods neighborhood after some residents threatened to shoot into the procession.
The ride was organized to support the Marion County Commission’s decision Tuesday to return the Confederate flag to a historical display in front of the McPherson Governmental Complex. The flag had been removed after a massacre at an African-American church in Charleston. The suspected shooter is a white supremacist who was photographed with Confederate flags.
Two small protests were held last week at the county complex in opposition to the Confederate flag — which many see as a symbol of racial hatred.
On Sunday, a few black people participated in the ride. One of them, Renee Gore, 34, of Dunnellon, said that to her the flag means “heritage, love and family.”
Another black person, Dwayne Webb, 23, of Ocala, said he came specifically “to show people (the flag) is not about prejudice and hate.” For Webb, the flag represents “good living, respect, and honesty,” things that he associates with the South.
Webb participated in the ride with his friends, also in their twenties. “I got goose-bumps (during the ride),” said Mike Ponticelli, 29, also of Ocala. They were hanging out in a parking lot with several of the other participants after the ride’s conclusion.
“We were standing up for what we believe in: manners and common courtesy towards all people, no matter who you are,” Ponticelli said.
“It’s a positive movement,” Webb added.
A handful of people who view the flag as a sign of disrespect also showed up at the ride, holding signs that explained why they are against the flag flying in front of a governmental building.
Incorrect attribution of the Battle Flag design to William Thompson
[RBN Admin Note: William Tappan Thompson did not design the battle flag mistakenly known, by many people, as the ‘Confederate Flag‘.
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Laila Abdelaziz, 23, who came to the rally from Tampa, held a sign with a quote from one of the flag’s defenders in the 1860s, whose defense of the symbol was rooted in white supremacy.
“What if your heritage is rooted in hate?” Abdelaziz said. “You have to confront that.”
Abdelaziz, who was born in Palestine and came to the U.S. with her parents as a child, said she is very familiar with dynamics of hatred. “I know what hatred does to people,” she said. “America has to confront the fact that someone younger than me killed people out of hatred.”
Abdelaziz said she also came to protest the ride to speak for another part of Ocala, where her parents live and she also lived for some time.
“This (ride) does not represent all of Ocala,” Abdelaziz said.
In the aftermath of the Charleston killings, too much emphasis has been placed on the flag, she added. “Dylann Roof held the flag in one hand, and a gun in the other. We’ve heard more about the flag than the gun control problem in America.”
On Sunday evening, Awake Marion, in conjunction with the NAACP, held a meeting at the Second Bethlehem Baptist Theological Seminary in Ocala. About 75 people attended the meeting, where they discussed how to express their disagreement with the County Commission’s decision to raise the Confederate flag. Draft copies of a letter to the Board of County Commissioners were handed out.
The organizers also announced that a peaceful sit-in to protest the flag will take place Wednesday at 9 a.m. at the south end of the McPherson Governmental Complex. The sit-in is being sponsored by Brown Memorial Funeral Home.
Contact Kristine Crane at 867-4117 or