Town Hall: CT Gov. Malloy References Constitution – Patriot Shouts “Why Don’t You Read It Sometime!”
March 7, 2014 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Freedom Outpost
The full video can be viewed here.
Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman held the microphone as a small business owner spoke to Malloy, saying that he was at a disadvantage in his linen supply business because adjacent states have a lower wage structure. As a result, restaurants in the area were outsourcing their business.
“I think that’s not only a state issue,” Malloy said, “but we’ve got this thing called the Constitution, so it makes it a little difficult to do some of the things you suggest.”
At the twenty second mark, you can hear the voice of Linda Czaplinski from Oxford, Connecticut calling out to Malloy, “Why don’t you read it sometime!”
According to her friend, and now mine, Palin Smith, who is also the gentleman videoing the event, “She is a gunslinger, our verbal Annie Oakley, our Joan of Arc in Connectcut.”
Indeed, Linda is not one to back down from calling out gun grabbing politicans. Just take a look at this confrontation last year as she schools Senator Chris Murphy at a town hall meeting at the Art Gallery of Mancheter Community College.
John Cinque, who I told you about the other day, was supposed to attend the event. Sadly, he was unable to do so, but according to Smith, there are attempts being made to have talks between Cinque and Joe Visconti, who is seeking to unseat Governor Malloy.
So far tens of thousands of Connecticut patriots have refused to register their guns, even though they have been sent letters demanding that they surrender their weapons and have even had state police claim that they sound un-American and anti-law. Some patriots have even issued a warning to those that would seek to confiscate their weapons.
Interestingly enough, today marks the 178th anniversary of the fall of the Alamo. It looks like the new Alamo is Connecticut. Let’s pray and lend our support to our fellow patriots in the “Constitution State,” hoping that they will stand firm and fast against the reincarnation of the same tyranny that oppressed the North during the days of our founding fathers.