*** Trump-DeSantis Act Smokes Out a Beautiful Rat ***

May 4, 2023 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff


Source: Real History Chan


*** Trump-DeSantis Act Smokes Out a Beautiful Rat ***

MAY 02, 2023

NY Times: DeSantis’s Electability Pitch Wobbles


Exactly as planned by the White Hats — and exactly as foretold by “The Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times (here)— the imaginary campaign of Florida Governor and Naval Intelligence asset Ron DeSantis is imploding before it has even been announced. That’s because — again, exactly as planned by the White Hats, and exactly as foretold by the ANYT (here) — the phony “indictment” of Trump was engineered in order to unite Republican voters behind him. Polling data now shows Trump holding an insurmountable lead of 40 points (and growing) over DeSantis — who seems to be deliberately self-sabotaging his own non-campaign, mainly through lack of enthusiasm and inaction.

Editor’s Note: Relax, boys and girls. The FLORIDA “antisemitism” bill — which passed UNANIMOUSLY veto-proof in the state’s legislature and was recently signed by DeSantis — is utterly meaningless (good optics for the Evangelical nut-jobs and retired Jews of Florida though). We actually reviewed it (imagine that!). All it does is prohibit “antisemites” from trespassing upon the private property of Jews and harassing them with threatening literature or projected light messages onto their homes. The bill also bans the “malicious disruption” of Jewish funeral services. As we all know, the only people who perform such outrageous acts are Jewish false-flaggers themselves.

Not to blow our own horn here  – but given some of the condescending scoffing and demeaning insults hurled our way by the immovable never-Trumpers of the black-pilled “far right” after we made those projections — a wee bit of justifiable “I told you so” is in order here. A pair of copy / pastes below.

ANYT / March 28, 2023 // On the Trump-DeSantis “split”

ANYT / March 20, 2023 // On the Trump “Indictment”

Nailed it, and nailed it.

Now, as far as the smoke-out aspect of the Trump-DeSantis “split,” understand that any Republican politician, commentator or donor who took the bait by prematurely jumping aboard the Governor DeSantis Train that never actually had an engine, will never be part of Trump’s inner or outer circles. The ambitious rats have indeed been smoked out and Trump himself — who detests disloyalty — has just publicly outed a well-known and formerly well-liked individual before his followers. Say bye bye to Kayleigh McEnany — the adorable young former White House Press Secretary who Trump had made into a superstar of Conservative Inc.

From Truth Social, May 1 — Trump openly mocked McEneny’s recent attempt to re-board the Trump Train after having promoted a DeSantis run and even writing, in an Op-Ed column, about the Trump “mistakes” which cost him the election in 2020 — conveniently failing to even mention voter fraud!


Kayleigh took the bait — now she is no longer welcome.


Radar Online
Trump made this little bitch into a superstar of Conservative Inc. and Christianity Inc. Ambitious Kayleigh then parlayed her resume into a best-selling book — with another due out today — and also a lucrative gig at FOX News. St. Kayleigh figured that dumping the “ex-President” for his “rival” DeSantis was a smart business move. Now we can all see her true self!
To see The Donald play these fools is as entertaining as it is gratifying. Anyone caught in the Trump-DeSantis sting really ought to have known better by now. In both his book and in a TV appearance from 30 years ago, Trump spoke passionately about how he detests disloyal people, and will go out of his way to get back at them. During a 1992 TV interview, Trump revealed how he viewed the bad times he had experienced during the 1990 real estate crash as a blessing because it showed him what people were really like — and, after his recovery, was pleased to have been able take revenge upon certain disloyal fair-weather “friends.” Trump, speaking to the since-disgraced Charlie Rose:

“I used to say, and I meant it, that some day I would like to lose everything for a period of time just to see who is loyal and who is not. And I found out …. Some of the people who were most loyal to me are people that I didn’t think would be. Some of the people who were least loyal to me are people I think I would have treated differently (had he known). I would have wiped the floor with guys who weren’t loyal, which I will now do, which is great because I love getting even with people.

….. If given the opportunity I will get even with some people that were disloyal to me…. They didn’t come to my aid. They didn’t do small things that would have helped. You see, I’m so loyal to people, and maybe I’m loyal to a fault, but I’m so loyal to people that when someone is slightly disloyal to me, I look upon it with horror.
(video below)


Millions of book royalty shekels and a FOX contract weren’t enough to satisfy silly greedy Kayleigh of the Prosperity Gospel school of Christianity Inc. She tried to sell out Trump — by further ingratiating herself to her FOX bosses — for 30 more pieces of silver. And now, she stands undressed and humiliated before his dedicated followers. And oh what timing too! It is probably not by coincidence that Trump delayed his attack until the very eve of the release of her second book.

Well played, Mr. President — and Mr. Governor.




Money-grubbing Judas Kayleigh wasted no time in building upon her Trump spokeswoman resume to land a part-time gig, starting at $350,000, at FOX. She also pumped out a best-selling book highlighting her “Christian faith”  — and a 2nd one (both with her on the cover) coming out today, also about her “relationship with Christ.”

Barf-worthy blurb from “For Such a Time as This: “From White House intern to White House press secretary, from production assistant to national television host, from Catholic all-girls high school to Harvard Law School, God has guided my path.”




Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the DeSantis campaign is faltering badly.

Boobus Americanus 2: It seems as though Trump got stronger after his indictment. 
St. Sugar: Did I or did I not frickin’ tell you it was going to play out exactly like thiss, Boobuss!

Editor: I can’t wait to hear DeSantis’s glowing endorsement of Trump. There may not even be contested GOP primaries for 2024 — just an unanimous anointment in every state.