Vaccine and Autism Truth: Evidence, Plain and Simple

February 13, 2017 in News by RBN

SGT Report

Anyone with children, or considering having children, is aware of the controversy surrounding vaccines. Are they safe? Are they necessary? For my own family, I have gone down the rabbit hole, and pulled together the following hard research. The following work has been presented to parents and local college professors, and hopefully help get real data out there for everyone to consider. Let’s get into it:

One of the most important recent revelations has come from CDC researcher and Whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, who was involved in the original MMR safety studies. After the movie Vaxxed brought his name to the lips of vaccine researchers everywhere, he came out with a very revealing disclosure.

Here it is:

Dr. Thompson discusses and provides study source data ( in the documentary “Vaxxed”. I highly recommend you watch the movie, which is $4, and can be watched on their website. The movie uncovers evidence that there is a 7-fold increase in autism rates for children who were previously perfectly health who got the vaccine before 18-months, versus those waiting until at least 3 years, and a 3.6x for black males. If there were no relationship between MMR and autism, that multiplier should be 1x. Thompson goes on in the movie to even reveal that study results were hidden with some statistical magic, and then destroyed during a secret meeting. Was the CDC protecting pharma profits, or ensuring their own revolving-door employment opportunities? Or simply deciding what is “best” for all of us? Regardless, it is criminal. A safety study must be above politics.

The Researchers

A discussion of the link between vaccination and Autism isn’t complete without mention of Andrew Wakefield. Unfortunately, he has been so maligned and his work so criticized, that rather than devolve into defending him rather than discussing the issue, it is easier to move on to other researchers and other evidence, of which there is plenty.

Dr. Brian Hooker et all put together a meta-analysis showing that 165 peer-reviewed studies have shown Thimerisol to be unsafe (in some very extreme ways), while the CDC relies on just 6 studies to conclude that Thimerisol is safe. This paper delved into each of those 6 studies, showing each one has significant flaws:

Dr Boyd Haley, a PhD Biochemist + Chemist, who did a number of studies showing mercury levels in hair/blood/etc, and autism rates and degree of severity. His work hints at a possible mechanism for some children coming down with Austim as a result of mercury levels, while others seem unaffected, due to some genetic inability to eliminate or fat-store mercury.  A presentation by him can be viewed here:

Removal of Thimerisol from Vaccines

Research quickly shows that thimerisol has been removed, as per the CDC, from all childhood recommended vaccines. But unfortunately it seems there are certain cases in which manufacturers can retain thimerisol, and not show it as an ingredient. Also,the Flu vaccine still contains thimerisol, and is recommended to children starting at 6 months. Thimerisol is also still in tetanus and Sanofi Menomune.

Oddly, at the same time mercury was being phased out, aluminum was being phased in. Both neurotoxins, and both resulting in many of the symptoms associated with Autism. And by the way, some researchers state that, since thimerisol was removed in 2001, if it were a causative agent in Autism, then Autism rates would have dropped. They didn’t. Therefore, Austism cannot be the cause. Right?

Wrong. Since a new neurotoxin was added while thimerisol was being removed, it is impossible to tell whether the second (aluminum), is now a factor in the formation of Autism, where mercury was previously. If mercury had been removed, andnothing else changed, then indeed we would expect a drop in Autism rates if mercury were the cause.

Needed: A Full-schedule Sum of Vaccine Contents

We the public need complete visibility into what ingredients are actually in the vaccines being recommended. How much thimerisol (mercury)? How much aluminum? Glutamate. Polyethylene Glycol, and everything else, with nothing excluded. This needs to be measured by multiple, double-blind, third-party analytics labs, shown for each vaccine each manufacturer, and summed up across the entire recommended vaccine schedule.

Trust is hard to earn these days, and the public is beginning to suspect the pharmaceutical industry is no longer trustworthy. When that trust is gone, it is gone forever, and the implications could be dire indeed. But a study such as that outlined would go a long way toward rebuilding that lost trust.

More Researchers

Dr. Stefanie Seneff, a PhD Computer Scientist out of MIT, has been using a number of data mining algorithms against the HHS VAERS database, and has pulled out a number of strong associations between MMR and Autism. Her focus is on Glyphosphate, but she has considered aluminum, mercury, and many other things. She partners with medical and biological experts to publishes on peer-reviewed, freely accessible platforms, something which as an open-source software engineer with a major tech company, I fully respect. Her papers are listed here:

She also has a huge number of interviews and presentations available on youtube, one good one here. The whole video is interesting, but the vaccine discussion starts at 45:40

She also ties in Glyphosphate, which seems to be a nightmare all on its own. My family has switched 100% to organic due to her research, and has the goal of putting in a big garden this year.  I bring Dr. Seneff up because, as a computer scientist, she has no vested interest in the pharmaceutical industry, and she has a very broad, multi-disciplinary perspective which seems to have helped her discover some quite plausible causative mechanisms. I personally think a small group of researchers should be dedicated to testing out every one of her theories.

I would note that concern regarding vaccines should not be limited to autism. There is reason to suspect they are also linked to the exponential increases in alzheimers and auto-immune disease, diabetes and thyroid problems. I would also note that, while vaccines (or more specfically, the adjuvants within vaccines) do seem to influence the probability of developing Autism, vaccines do not seem to be the sole cause of it. Glyphosphate clearly seems to play a role, as do glutamate levels and prior immune system health. More research needs to be done here.


In summary, it is a great atrocity that the vaccine manufactures have adulterated one of the greatest inventions of humankind, and in so doing, destroyed the trust on which modern medicine rests.  There is an incredible plethora of evidence of the danger of mercury, aluminum, glutamate, formaldehyde etc, and yet the response of industry is:

“Don’t worry about it”

When their response should be:

“Ok, we heard you, and we are working as hard as we can to get the provably toxic stuff out of vaccines, ASAP!”

On top of their lackluster response, Congress goes and gives them immunity from all liability. I would strongly argue that immunity from liability leads quickly to an unsafe product. Also, we see some states passing Mandatory Vaccine Laws. How can it be moral for the government to 1) Give companies a pass on liability, while 2) Requiring the use of that same product? This is highly immoral, even suspicious, and lends plausibility to the eugenics and/or depopulation theories.

Contributed by Brad Peters