WATCH: Cops Kill Family’s Dog in Front of Kids, Force Dad to Cut Its Head Off Or Go To Jail
December 4, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
Crawford County, GA — A horrifying video was submitted to the Free Thought Project this weekend showing two Georgia cops force a man to cut his own dog’s head off because one of them had just shot it.
The owner of the dog, Joe Nathan Goodwin filmed the incident. The video shows that simply because Goodwin refused to cut off his dog’s head that he was assaulted by a police officer and thrown down on the hood of his truck.
Imagine for a moment, police officers coming on to your property, killing your dog in front of your children, and as you were grieving, they force you to remove its head.
It is important to note that removing the head of an animal is standard procedure for health departments when testing an animal for rabies. However, this is supposed to be done by professionals who know what they are doing—not a dad who just watched his dog get killed.
According to Goodwin, after to officer shot the dog, another officer, Hollis, in the purple shirt, showed up and demanded to see the shot records. Goodwin says that although he thinks the dog was current on his shots, he couldn’t immediately produce them. That’s when things turned south.
Instead of simply waiting for Goodwin to produce the shot records, the officer in the purple shirt—clearly confused on how to handle the situation—began to demand that Goodwin cut off his head so they can test it.
Naturally, Goodwin questioned this insanity and, like most people would’ve done in his position, he used choice words to express it. Never once, however, did Goodwin pose a threat or warrant the use of force that was applied to him. In fact, as the law states, Goodwin was in the right to refuse this unlawful order
“I tell you what,” says the officer as Goodwin refuses to remove his deceased dog’s head. “I will take you to jail and charge you.”
“Charge me with what?” asks Goodwin.
“When I get there, I’ll give you the charges,” says the cop, clearly unable to cite a law that states a person must cut off their dog’s head when told to do so by a police officer.
“What law did I break?” Goodwin asks.
“We asking you to cut…remove the dog’s head,” the officer states as if this is some lawful order.
After Goodwin refuses, using profanity, Hollis snaps.
“I’mma tell you something right now. I’m investigator Hollis. You’re not gonna talk to me nor my deputy like that,” says the officer before assaulting Goodwin and throwing him into his truck.
At this point, the other deputy should’ve moved in to stop the attack, however, he stood by and did nothing.
“We don’t know this process either,” says the deputy who claimed to be animal control earlier in the video.
Police were on Goodwin’s property when they say Goodwin’s dog charged him and he was forced to kill it. Goodwin notes in the video below that his kids watched as the officer gunned down their dog.
“If it was my dog, I couldn’t cut the head off either,” says the deputy, clearly showing how wrong this order was.
“I will shoot any dog that comes my way,” he said, noting, “your dog come at me twice.”
“I bet his tail was wagging and everything and your pussy ass did ‘boom,’ it’s all good,” Goodwin said.
As the two officers fumble to do their jobs and try to figure out the law, they eventually force Goodwin to do the unspeakable.
According to Georgia law, Submission of brain tissue for testing must be coordinated with the environmental health section of the county health department and/or animal control agency. This clearly was not happening.
To highlight the sheer ignorance and tyrannical nature of the officers trying to force a man to cut his dead dog’s head off to test for rabies, they ignored the fact that this would also expose Goodwin to the disease. Would these officers have taken responsibility if Goodwin himself would’ve contracted rabies?
Also, according to Georgia law, appropriate protective gear should be used when extracting specimens for laboratory submission to reduce exposure to potentially infectious material. This did not happen.
Below is a video showing what happens when ignorance, violence, and authority mix. Sadly, the police won, they forced Goodwin to cut the head off of his dog and he filmed it. The video was too graphic for us to share here.