We are NOT in this together.
May 12, 2020 in News, Video by RBN Staff
Source: We Are Not In This Together
It is self-declared “rulers” vs. the people. It is the lying elite vs. the deplorables. It is evil vs. good. It is you vs. us, and you will not win. We are not asking for your permission. You work for us. First, we are taking our lives back, and then we are taking you out of power.
Make no mistake about it…
The power-grabbing politicians who used the phony Covid plague as an excuse to destroy our jobs, close our businesses, rob us of our freedom, and wreck our economy knew exactly what they were doing…
And they did it intentionally.
They have achieved the results they wanted…
And they have absolutely no intention of taking their feet off of your neck.
They knew that Anthony Fauci’s self-serving, dishonest, and dire predictions of “two to two and a half million deaths” was absolutely false…
Because they knew it came from Neil Ferguson’s thoroughly corrupt London Imperial College – through the China owned-and-operated World Health Organization.
Yet, they still used them to take your freedom and lock you up.
They knew that on March 10, Fauci lied – in the public spotlight he so enjoys — when he told Congress , “Covid-19 is ten times more lethal than seasonal flu”…
Because they had easy access to a CYA article Fauci wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine, where he confessed, “The Covid-19 case fatality rate may be considerablely less than 1%… ultimately more akin to a severe seasonal flu.”
And they knew that just ten days later, Fauci’s cohort in crime – Dr. Deborah Birx – publicly admitted, “the [Ferguson/WHO] prediction models don’t match the reality.”
Yet, the preening, posturing, power-grabbing politicians still imposed their draconian lockdown measures – because, by then, they were drunk with power…
And as Lord Acton said, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
By mid-April, the leftwing politicians knew that their lockdowns and fascist masks and oppressive measures were really not at all necessary to destroy the non-existent plague…
Because by then, the eight states that had not forced their citizens to wear masks and live under lock and key had the same – or lower — Covid rates than the states that did…
And entire countries that had not imprisoned their people – like Sweden, Nicaragua, and Byelorussian — had lower rates as well.
Yet, the arrogant politicians in the lockdown states not only continued their tyranny…
Drunk with power, they deliberately – and cynically — made matters worse.
In Pennsylvania, Gov. Thomas Wolfe – or “Tommie the Commie” as he is now known statewide – held a press conference to announce that he and his henchmen would no longer allow people to shop in stores for basic needs if they didn’t wear their fascist masks and stand six feet apart…
And all the while, at the press conference, Tommie and his henchmen were mask-free – and standing shoulder to shoulder…
Because, you, see, as Orwell said in Animal Farm, “Some animals are more equal than others.”
In New York, Gov. Cuomo continued to demand more and more hospital rooms and ventilators – despite the fact that he knew full well that he could not even make use of those he had…
And then he ridiculed the small shop owners, construction workers, waiters and waitresses who were desperately out of work, saying that if they didn’t like it, “go find an essential job.”
In California, Gov. Newsome had his police arrest anyone who walked down the beach – and then told his citizens to get used to it … because his ironfisted rule would now be “the new normal.”
Then when each of these politicians and their cohorts who destroyed the economy were informed that – according to the well-known Bluestone-Harrison study — every 1% in unemployment they caused resulted in nearly 40,000 deaths…
From suicide, homicide, depression, untreated illnesses, and more…
The politicians shrugged it all off and joined Anthony Fauci in muttering — from the lavish confines of their plush offices — “Oh, how inconvenient.”
Well, what the posturing, preening, power-hungry politicians have done is more than “inconvenient”…
It is tyrannical. It is tragic.
It is cruel. And it is sadistic.
So, the time has come to take off your mask…
Take back your freedom…
And join the brave woman in the viral video in telling the politicians to take a hike!