World needs to take different approach to Israel: Commentator

December 1, 2016 in News by RBN Staff


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Israel is continuing its illegal and criminal actions against the people of Palestine despite the international community’s efforts to halt them. Iran says the international community’s measures vis-à-vis the Tel Aviv regime have “mostly failed or proven inadequate.”

A radio host and political commentator says the Palestinian people have been living under the occupation of the Israeli regime, which has no authority over them except violence.

“This is a crime against humanity, this is a crime against the Palestinian people and I really think what needs to happen is that there may have to be an organization outside of the United Nations, maybe Iran can take the initiative here and start another version of the UN which will boycott Israeli goods and start putting pressure on the Israelis,” Eli Joseph James told Press TV in an interview on Thursday.

He also opined that Israel is a “violent, occupying, war power” which has no regard for human life.

The analyst pointed out that the Israelis took over Palestine by force with no regard for Palestinians’ rights and they intend to keep doing so.

James further asserted that there has been no concrete measure on the part of the UN against Israel which always “deals in bad faith” and never keeps any of its promises.

He also stated because of the power the Israelis have over the media in the United States, there is very little on the news about the plight of the Palestinians.

“The only thing we ever hear about is how the Jewish people have been persecuted for 2,000 years and because of that they claim to have the right to in turn occupy Palestine and brutalize the Palestinian people,” he said.

The commentator further argued the world at large needs to take a different approach to Israel which does not deal “honestly” or “fairly” with anybody.

The Gaza Strip has been under an Israeli siege since June 2007. The blockade has led to a dramatic decline in the standards of living as well as substantial levels of unemployment and poverty.

The occupied Palestinian territories have witnessed more tensions ever since Israeli forces imposed restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshipers into the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem al-Quds in August 2015.

Over half a million Israelis live in more than 230 illegal settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem al-Quds.

The Tel Aviv regime has defied international calls to stop its illegal construction activities, with its settlement expansion being among the main reasons behind the collapse of the last round of the so-called Middle East peace talks in 2014.