World’s first anti-propaganda search engine launching soon that favors Independent Media while banning government and corporate disinfo
May 5, 2015 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Natural News
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Monday, May 04, 2015
For the last six months, I have been working hard on the development of a breakthrough search engine that will finally offer a credible search alternative to the NSA-funded, surveillance-state search engines currently dominating the web.
Next week, I’ll be opening the webmaster URL submit page for the world’s first independent, anti-propaganda search engine that filters out corporate propaganda and government disinformation. The search engine is free to submit to and free to use. It’s funded entirely by advertising that appears on the search results page.
Uniquely, this independent search engine either bans or flags (with a warning) all corporate propaganda and government disinfo websites. Just as Google flags search result URLs containing malicious code that can infect your computer, we will flag search result URLs containing malicious propaganda that can infect your mind.
This means you won’t find the CDC’s vaccine propaganda dominating search results, for example. Instead, you’ll find a universe of independent websites that have been suppressed, censored or outright banned by Google. You’ll also be able to help protect the integrity of the search results by flagging corporate propaganda and government disinfo using the clickable feedback icons present on the search results pages.
It’s time for a credible alternative to the “New Evil Empire”
Why is this needed? Google is now known as “the new evil empire” according to this Fox Business article. It quotes Google Chairman Eric Schmidt as saying:
We don’t need you to type at all because we know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less guess what you’re thinking about … Is that over the line?
“Google may very well be the most sinister threat and wicked incarnation of them all,” writes Fox Business author Steve Tobak. “The Google Empire is expanding into everything from self-driving cars and virtual reality to broadband fiber and neural networks. It’s even collecting genetic and molecular information from thousands of people to map humans in a way that’s eerily reminiscent of how it maps the world’s streets.”
The search engine I’m launching engages in NO surveillance of users. It does not record your search history or click history, nor does it link your IP address to any activity. Instead of spying on you, it protects your privacy while delivering far more accurate and truthfulindependent search results from non-corporate-controlled information sources.
Google is actively punishing truth-telling websites that diverge from “official” sources
In addition to functioning as the police state surveillance branch of the NSA, Google is actively censoring Independent Media websites, punishing those sites’ rankings merely because they challenge the propaganda and fraud of the status quo.
Google’s search results are now determined by each page’s so-called “factiness” — a new algorithm that punishes all content which disagrees with official sources such as the criminally operated CDC, the pharma-controlled science journals, and biotech-infiltrated universities. Independent, truthful information is now punished in Google rankings, a search engine which has abandoned ranking based on merit and is now pushing rankings based on propaganda.
This shift effectively makes Google a real-life Ministry of Truth that censors the truth and promotes corporate propaganda (and government disinfo), all while spying on you to boot. It’s a lose-lose proposition: At the same time you are handing over your psychological profile to the search engine, it’s also filling your mind with lies disguised as “facts” from official sources. Think about it: Google heavily promotes Wikipedia, a discredited disinfo and defamation website largely edited by corporate-funded trolls hiding behind anonymity. Even though Wikipedia was co-founded by a “porn king” and carried child porn imagery on its site, Google gives it high rankings while punishing the independent media websites that actually publish the truth.
Google also strongly favors mainstream media news sources — precisely the news outlets that spew the most blatant disinformation about everything that matters: Central Banks, government debt, politics, economics, health care, immigration, crime, culture and more. Virtually all news sites that print the truth have been systematically removed from Google News over the last few years, and there is little doubt that Google plans to effectively remove all “alternative” websites from its index by penalizing them into oblivion.
On top of all that, Google is of course an extension of the NSA. It monitors your searches to build a psychological profile of who you are and how you think. Google has become the Orwellian surveillance apparatus it once assured us it could never be. And more than ever, the need now exists for a committed, trusted, alternative search engine that focuses on indexing independent, truth-telling websites rather than the lying “official sources” that Google strangely considers to be “trustworthy sources.” (If you trust CNN or MSNBC on anything, you probably need to have your head examined…)
The first search engine that launches with a Code of Ethics
This search engine will be the first in the world that launches with a Code of Ethics, outlining the permanent boundaries and limits of what the engine will do.
I’m still working on the final Code of Ethics guidelines, but they will cover these key areas:
• No indexing of sites promoting porn, gambling or Big Pharma.
• No surveillance of users and no storage of search history from users.
• No sharing of search data with the NSA or other spooks.
• No “gaming” of search results to favor my own projects (such as Natural News).
Created to support the courageous voices across the Independent Media
For over 13 years, I’ve been one of the top voices in the Independent Media, speaking out with truth-telling articles on the big issues of our day such as vaccine mandates, health freedom, food freedom, the coming global debt collapse, constitutional rights and civil liberties. Over this time, I’ve watched the rise of the Independent Media which has earned far higher viewership and trust than the old-school “mainstream media”.
There are so many powerful voices of truth emerging today that it’s just astonishing to watch them work. Some of my favorite voices are people like Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton from and Jon Rappoport from I’m also, of course, a huge fan of Robert Scott Bell at But there are so many more that are also deserving of some public recognition, too.
The point is there are tens of thousands of courageous, independent voices of truth who are joining the fight for humanity by printing the truth about the corporate poisoners and Big Brother government. My aim with this search engine project is to help give these voices of truth a platform for increased exposure. While Google is censoring and silencing voices of courage and truth, I want to empower them with a new search engine that will actually favor their content over the lying mainstream media.
So for all of you in the Independent Media, you’re invited to submit your site URL and get indexed. This new search engine could become a dominant source for your web traffic, especially as Facebook is clearly experimenting with its own “publisher kill switch” that can cause all independent publishers to immediately lose all Facebook traffic.
The day is probably not too far off when Google and Facebook ban all independent media websites. When that day comes, it’s projects like the one I’m launching that will be the last remaining portals to real journalism and independent reporting. (For this reason, the entire project is also being mirrored offshore as well as hosted domestically.)
We’ll be opening up the submit page this week. Stay tuned to Natural News this week for details on this launch.
Help us spread the word across the Independent Media so that webmasters, bloggers and independent journalists know this is coming. Finally! A place where their efforts will be recognized rather than suppressed…