Off the Beaten Path w/ Steve Elkins
SHOW TIME: Sunday 6-8pm CT
Over the years we have been forced on to a path of “Narrow” close-minded thinking. Washington; mainstream media, and powerful corporations have encouraged us to believe the official narrative when they speak. We are never to ask questions, or point out the irregularities in their official report. “Off the Beaten Path” is about stepping off that narrow path of focus. Questioning the official narrative. Re-establishing our critical thinking skills, and being able to discern the truth from disinformation, deception, and outright lies. We must analyze the evidence for validity, and to assure it supports the “TRUTH”. If it does not, then we are correct to label the statement as a “FALLACY”.
The days of Edward R. Murrow investigative journalism are long gone, and are unlikely to return. It is up to us as individuals to search for the truth among all the FAKE news we are surrounded by. Once we learn the truth, it is essential that we share that knowledge with others. A lack of knowledge equates to a loss of freedom. An educated man can not be taken advantage of.
It’s up to you to seek out the truth.
I can lead you to knowledge, but I can’t make you think.
Steve Elkins
4 years of Military Service in the United States Air Force from 1981-1985. Aircraft mechanic on the C-5 Galaxy, and C-141 Starlifter
BSN degree at Indiana University in 1993. Specializing in Intensive Care/Critical Care, and Emergency
7 years as a travel nurse
29 years total as a nurse in ICU/CCU/ER
Broke into political talk radio thru community radio in Guerneville, California.
Show: Outside the Matrix 2.0.
The show had a great following for a period of 9 weeks, and then was canceled by the Radio Station Board members…. TOO MUCH TRUTH.
My broadcasts upset their agenda of being the gatekeepers of information.
My show was monitored by RBN owner, John Stadtmiller, who liked what he heard.
I subbed for John Stadtmiller several times (a trial run) on The National Intel Report, and then was offered a Monday Co-Host position to join John and Co-Host Ron MacDonald.
A month later I was offered my own show, and began my career at RBN after relocating from California to Central Florida.
My show is called Off the Beaten Path.
Sunday’s from 7-9pm CT (8-10pm ET).
5 years and continuing…
Conservative and honest viewpoints.