Today and Yesterday.

  via: email As the U.S. Soldiers sat around wondering why they were fighting the hard war thousands of miles from home… One Soldier say’s… “Well boy’s if you wonder
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Mrs. Clinton’s Excess Security Baggage Continues to Bulge

  Source: WHTT   Editor CEC writes:  The US Army has announced it is withdrawing a training slide show that lists and pictures Hillary Clinton as one of six “insider”
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ALERT: Why Are Thousands Of Military Vehicles Lined Up Outside Of Underground Bunkers In America

Secrets of the Fed Susan Duclos and I took a great interest in the new videos below put out by YouTube videographer Professor Doom1 as we are actually SHOWN where many
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Are Manned U.S. Helicopters Flying In Syria?

via Information Clearing House September 08, 2015 “Information Clearing House” – A NYT piece on the failure if the  “Division 30” Pentagon mercenaries in Syria and their coming Version 2
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Army picks new vehicle to replace the Humvee

CNN | Tal Kopan (CNN)The Army this week selected the company to build its much-anticipated new vehicle to replace the Humvee — a multibillion dollar contract. [Click here to see VIDEO] Oshkosh
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U.S. Military Leaders Support Iran Deal

  Source: Zero Hedge Submitted by George Washington on 08/19/2015 18:03 -0400 Scores of high-level American military leaders support the Iran deal.  For example, the following 35 military officials –
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238,000 US veterans died waiting for health care – leaked document

“VA wants you to believe, by virtue of people being able to get health care elsewhere, it’s not a big deal. But VA is turning away tens of thousands of
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Army Special Operations Command pushes back against alarmist claims about upcoming exercise

Source: Stars and Stripes By Jon Harper March 21, 2015 WASHINGTON — U.S. Army Special Operations Command is pushing back against alarmist claims that an upcoming U.S. military exercise is a preparation
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Army looks at 3D printing warheads

3D printing may soon revolutionize warfare. The Army is working on a project to “print” warheads, modernizing the manufacturing process of the complex devices that have not dramatically changed since
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The military loves their drones

Source: Brass Check TV How do you like that? Drones are crashing in droves. Over 400 military drones have crashed in the US alone. The Army doesn’t require pilots to
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400 US mercenaries ‘deployed on ground’ in Ukraine military op

Source: RT About 400 elite mercenaries from the notorious US private security firm Academi (formerly Blackwater) are taking part in the Ukrainian military operation against anti-government protesters in southeastern regions
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US pays $8 million a month to have its private armies deployed in Ukraine – British press

Source: Voice of Russia According to reports from Donetsk, another group of US mercenaries has landed at the local airport, mercenaries that the ‘Maidan’-approved government in Kiev is going to
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Army Gives Out $500,000 Armored Trucks for Free

Source: YouTube

How Police Became a Standing Army

Source: The American Conservative On July 15, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sent 13 law-enforcement officers to execute a paramilitary raid on a no-kill animal shelter in Kenosha.
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