The trial of Cliven Bundy: A travesty of justice

  Gem State Patriot | By Leesa Donner — Published with Permission of — This week, a group of men who stood face to face with government agents and refused to
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Retired Oregon Police Officer Comments on LaVoy Finicum’s Murder by Dirk Williams, Oregon Police Officer (ret) There is zero doubt regarding the murder of LaVoy Finicum that OSP and FBI HRT, set this up, a kill box. Due
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An American Patriot is loyal to his nation and the principles at its foundation An American Patriot is loyal to his nation and the principles at its foundation. Our Founders eloquently stated that a nation dedicated to Liberty and Justice is only possible
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Waco Is Suppressing Evidence That Could Clear Innocent Bikers

The city is fighting to keep videos of the May shootout at the Twin Peaks restaurant out of the press, and still hasn’t confirmed how many victims were shot by
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They are waking up all over the world: Constitution Halts Sheriff

Source: YouTube Uploaded on Feb 21, 2012 See follow up video!! – (Ben Gilroy Halts Receivers) – The Morning Show – 24th (today’s show – Ben Gilroy is
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