Cops Arrested After Horrifying Video Showed Them Torture Teen in a Restraint Chair with a Taser

  Source: The Free Thought Project   Two police officers who were seen on video strapping an 18-year-old down to a restraint chair and then torturing him with a taser
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Merck named in “fraud, deceit and negligence” accusation regarding Gardasil safety problems

  Source: Natural News     (Natural News) The family of a young girl who suffered extreme physical harm following her third dose of Merck & Co.’s Gardasil vaccine for
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WATCH: TSA Gropes Man’s Testicles So Hard He Now Has Bleeding And Needs Surgery

  Source: The Free Thought Project | Matt Agorist A man has filed a federal lawsuit against the TSA after he claims they groped him so hard, he is having to undergo
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Glenn Beck’s Lie Could Blow Up Ted Cruz

The Daily Beast | BETSY WOODRUFF Glenn Beck has been one of Ted Cruz’s most high-profile surrogates—but Beck’s support could become a little less desirable when he heads to court
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Widow of Murdered Patriot Files Wrongful Death Suit against Law Enforcement says She has Evidence that will “Shock the Conscience”!

Eagle Rising | By Tim Brown | 14 March 2016  LaVoy Finicum’s widow, Jeanette Finicum, announced this week that she would be pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit against officials in Oregon. Her husband
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Josef Hanji | In an article titled “Madness in the Royal Library” published in the Danish newspaperWeekendavisen on December 7, 2012, journalist Søren Villemoes accused esteemed chemist Dr. Niels Harrit
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Government Threatens Ordained Ministers – Conduct Gay Weddings or Go to Jail!

Source: Eagle Rising  But homosexual couple Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow have set out to demolish that protection for churches because it stands in the way of their coveted church wedding.
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Source: News With Views By: Devvy October 12, 2014 Does the truth matter anymore in this country? Once I began my journey now going into my 24th year, all
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Klayman files for deportation of Barack Obama

Source: WND KLAYMAN FILES FOR DEPORTATION OF BARACK OBAMA ‘Proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken’ By: BOB UNRUH | Email | Archive  Subscribe to feed He has sued the
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Huge: New Lawsuit Filed Against USDA over Missing Docs Showing GMO Dangers

Source: Natural Society Like many Americans, you may be beating your head against the wall trying to figure out how governmental agencies could so blatantly ignore the facts concerning GMO
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InvestmentWatchBlog – Fed Hides Trillions? Lawsuit In U.S. District Court Accuses The Fed Of “Embezzling” $7 Trillion From The United States

Source: Lucas 2012 Infos Lawsuit in U.S. District Court accuses the Fed of “embezzling” $7 Trillion from the United States As requested, here is the Scribd link to the legal
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