Arizona residents will be grounded without new travel ID

  via: From the Trenches by Henry Shivley  These new corporate policies will be going into effect next year. Source: AZ Central As of Oct. 1, 2020, Arizona residents won’t be able to travel out
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Orlando airport cash seizure: Feds seek to keep $129K they say is tainted by drug trafficking

  Source: Orlando Sentinel   When Michael Simon pushed his carry-on bag through a TSA scanner at Orlando International Airport earlier this year, a security agent zeroed in on something
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TSA Secretly Tracking Travelers Like Terrorists

    Ben Swann The TSA is running a surveillance program called “Quiet Skies” that involves monitoring people in airports who have not committed a crime or who are not
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TSA Molests 13-Year-Old Girl, Then Calls the Police When Parents Object

  Source: Freedom Outpost   A father was forced to watch a TSA agent sexually assault his daughter and when he objected, they tried to have him arrested. By MATT AGORIST 
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WATCH: TSA Gropes Man’s Testicles So Hard He Now Has Bleeding And Needs Surgery

  Source: The Free Thought Project | Matt Agorist A man has filed a federal lawsuit against the TSA after he claims they groped him so hard, he is having to undergo
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