Gun Control Bills Emerge

September 26, 2013 in Columnists by The Manimal

By Joel Skousen
Republic Broadcasting Network

Democratic lawmakers lost no time in announcing a bill to limit online purchases of ammunition. Meghashyam Mali reports that “Sen. Frank Lautenberg (N.J.) and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (N.Y.) said the new law would make the sale of ammunition ‘safer for law-abiding Americans who are sick and tired of the ease with which criminals can now anonymously stockpile for mass murder,’ in a statement released Saturday… Lautenberg and McCarthy are two high profile advocates of gun control legislation, but they face an uphill struggle in Congress.”

The election will make sure no one goes out on a limb for gun control soon. Last time the Dems did that, they really suffered at the polls. It is little wonder that “Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said last week that he does not intend to bring gun control legislation to the floor and President Obama has been reluctant to press lawmakers to act on the issue in an election year.” Of course it is entirely disingenuous to link mail order ammo purchases with “stockpiling for mass murder.” That’s like banning all mail order prescriptions because a few might stockpile for misuse.

Paul Joseph Watson of complains that there are Republicans who are pushing for more gun control as well. But upon closer examination, these are not real Republicans at all but controlled agents working the right side of the political spectrum:

“The most recent rhetorical assault on gun rights came yesterday courtesy of Reagan appointee and so-called intellectual anchor of the Supreme Court’s conservative wing, Justice Antonin Scalia [nobody gets on the Supreme Court in modern times unless they are controlled]. Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Scalia said that the second amendment leaves rooms for certain types of weapons to be regulated ‘It will have to be decided in future cases,’ Scalia told host Chris Wallace, adding that ‘They had some limitations on the nature of arms that could be borne,’ when the Constitution was signed.

“Within 48 hours of the ‘Batman’ shooting, media mogul Rupert Murdoch, labeled a ‘GOP kingmaker’ in the United States, voiced his support for restricting the second amendment, tweeting, ‘We have to do something about gun controls.’” Murdoch has never been a conservative nor Republican. He’s a globalist of the first order.

“Similarly, in several shows broadcast in the days following the Colorado massacre, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly has repeatedly advocated the creation of a national database of gun owners, currently prohibited by federal law, joining the likes of Piers Morgan, Michael Moore and Michael Bloomberg in savaging the second amendment [I have always maintained that O’Reilley is a plant in the conservative movement. No one who denigrates conspiracy issues consistently is on our side, or an honest commentator of truth].

“Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol [a neo-conservative, not a real Republican] also reacted to the Aurora shooting by calling for a reinstatement of the assault weapons ban. He was joined by talk radio host Michael Savage, who despite modeling himself as one of the Obama administration’s most ardent critics also advocated reintroducing the ban.”