Be Afraid America, Very Afraid
September 26, 2013 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff
By Dave Hodges
Republic Broadcasting Network
How does a President who used an ambassador to run guns through the CIA, to al-Qaeda, and then was complicit in his murder and then fired two senior military officers who tried to save the Ambassador’s life and then manage to get himself re-elected to the highest office in the land? Well, in a word, ignorance is the answer. I fear that America is about ready to pay a steep price for her slumbering ways.
The abovementioned transgression should be enough to put Obama in irons for the next 30 years. Yet, the American people rewarded him with another presidential term..
After you read the following short list of Obama transgressions against the Constitution and the American people, ask yourself how safe do you feel with four more years of Obama?
Obama is not even a citizen of the United States, as determined by several researchers including Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff, Joe Arpaio. Obama’s long form birth certificate was declared a forgery. Yet, America elected this illegal alien to a second term.
Under the Obama presidency, America has seen her national debt double and financial collapse is right around the corner. We have seen our allies jump ship in record numbers. We have over half the country on welfare. The Obama administration paid 22 billion dollars to help GM relocate most of its operations to China after the American people bailed GM out in 2008. Half of all college graduates cannot find fulltime work and most are saddled with crippling debt through their predatory college student loans.
Obama has closed a multitude of coal plants, thus making energy prices skyrocket. He has funded Solyndra and Pat Stryker’s Abound Solar with our tax money, to the tune of over a billion dollars, and not one kilowatt of solar energy was produced. The President is now leading the newest energy scam in the biofuel industry, namely, algae in which our nation is subsidizing millions, and soon to be billions to algae proponents including Warren Buffet, George Soros and Al Gore. The one thing that these men don’t tell you is that it takes 300 gallons of water to produce one gallon of algae gasoline. And of course, under Obama, gas prices have more than doubled.
Obama’s depopulation leanings are expressed in his national health care law which, in one fell swoop, placed nearly 20% of the economy under socialist control. Under Obamacare, birth control services are mandatory. Lifestyles which do not add to the birthrate are honored (eg transsexual) and given preferential treatment by the Obama administration. Obama’s health care death panels will help America continue its slide in life-expectancy where we are presently 51st in the world despite spending 10 times more than the next dozen nations combined!
It is clear that Obama is not a Christian and honors every faith but the worship of Jesus Christ. Obama has kneeled at the feet of our enemies and I believe that he ultimately serves humanity’s greatest enemy, Satan.
The President pushed for the NDAA which allows him to disappear and murder political opponents and critics such as Andrew Breitbart. Obama’s executive order entitled the National Defense Resources Preparedness, allows Obama, at the stroke of the pen, to enact civilian conscription and food confiscation along with the complete control of all industry by government. Under Obama, FEMA camps became operationalized and staffed. Does anyone ask why? Additionally, the TSA has taken its VIPR program to the streets in order to sexually assault more Americans in the name of liberty. If Obama has this much power at the end of his first term, what nightmare scenario will come in his second term?
As I have previously, Obama is an avowed Communist. Former communist party leader, Frank Davis was his father. Obama had his Harvard education paid for and had his political career launched by former Weathermen Underground thugs, Bernardine Dorne and Bill Ayers. Obama was raised to be a communist and now this despot has four more years to make the White House more like Red Square.
What could we have been thinking on election day? The fact is we were not thinking .The 47% of the people who are on Obama’s welfare voted to keep the federal gravy train rolling. Many of the 65% of young adults who cannot find Great Britain on a map, believe Obama when he says we can spend our way out of a depression. We are the victims of our own ignorance.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Obama will likely be golfing the day our economy becomes insolvent under his leadership. And that is when, the 80-90% of ignorant Americans will soon come to learn what many of us in the alternative medial already know, Obama passed the NDAA, The National Resources Preparedness and the death panels of Obamacare for a reason. Coupled with the fact that Obama has issued ten times more executive orders than all of the Presidents combined in our entire history which sets up the potential for a total dictatorship in his next 4 years in which I predict we will see absolute government by presidential decree. Be afraid America, be very afraid.
“When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny”.
Thomas Jefferson