The Number One Reason Why We Cannot Defeat the New World Order

June 24, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges
Republic Broadcasting Network

banks always win

Thanks to modern-day researchers, we know about the rash of dead bankers. Thanks to Steve Quayle, and others, we know about the all the dead scientists and the dire implications with regard to chemical/biological attack. However, hardly anyone is talking about the all the dead leaders. The phenomenon of dead leaders underscores the reason that the people on this planet will never be free from the murderous banksters that run the planet.

The Crisis of Global Leadership

Whether one lives in a republic, a democracy or a totalitarian form of government, the majority of the people naively believe that their government officials will truly protect them from the evil that is so pervasive on the planet. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Your leaders, elected or self-appointed, cannot protect their people anymore than they can protect themselves

After feeling the intoxication of power, some leaders actually begin to drink their own Kool-Aid and believe that they can be independent of the global forces that permitted their rise to power. When a national leader, on the planet Earth, begins to believe they are truly independent, bad things begin to happen. Planes blow up or the leaders come down with cancer. And when the transgressions of a leader becomes severe enough, they end up with a bullet in the brain.

Because this is an article and not a voluminous novel, only a small cross-section of the demise of independent leaders can be shown. However, the examples are so horrifying and commonplace, it will destroy the myth that we only need to find the right leaders who will then deliver us from evil.

How To Murder An Entire Government

The late Polish President, Lech Kaczynski, and nearly the entire Polish governmental leadership was killed in a 2010 plane crash. Laczynskil’s twin brother believed that the government was murdered and called for  the European Union to investigate. He was not alone in his belief.

Poland’s Rzeczpospolita newspaper boldly proclaimed that the prosecutors and explosive experts and investigators, who examined the plane at the Russian crash site, found clear and irrefutable signs of TNT and nitroglycerin on the wings and in the cabin, including traces found on 30 passenger seats. Subsequently, an on scene flight engineer investigator,  Remigiusz  Muś, was set to deliver critical testimony, about the presence of explosive residue, but was subsequently found hanged in his house in Warsaw before the testimony could be delivered. In January 2012, a Polish prosecutor, Mikolaj Przybyl, involved in the investigation shot himself for no apparent reason after excusing himself from a media briefing.

The Polish leadership, like so many leaders in the past, decided to find their backbone and subsequently Poland uniformly declined to be a victim of the bankster loan sharking operations. In a very humorous twist of fate,  Poland’s central bank actually had the intestinal fortitude to offer the IMF a loan to “help other countries overcome the effects of the global crisis” (AFP, March 29, 2010. Out of all the 27 nation European Union, Poland was the only nation to experience economic growth in 2009. Poland’s Zloty grew by 1.7% in 2009, a remarkable feat given that European Union countries contracted by an average of 4.1% and no other EU economy grew at all. Poland balked at participating in the global “bail outs” that the rest of world’s nations were participating in, including the United States. “Poland avoided eastern Europe’s worst lending binges. Kaczynski frustrated some of his opponents by being in no rush to head towards the “Euro party,” reported the Daily Telegraph.

Bloomberg also reported that Kaczynski resisted adopting the Euro. As this article unfolds, this refusal of the soon-to-be dead leaders to capitulate to on the regionalization of currencies, to the detriment of an economically solvent nation, will become a persistent theme.

In a case of JFK’s “back and to the left” in frame 224 of the Zapruder video, the evidence, below, speaks to the practice of eliminating enemies of the bankster empire with extreme prejudice.

The translated English transcript of the audio in the video and its approximate timing of each signficant sound or spoken word:


0:13 Calm down!
0:18 Look him in the eyes.
0:22 Calm down!
0:29 Oh my God!
0:30 All of them!
0:31 Kill them!
0:38 (Airport siren sounds)
0:45 Surround him! Go around! He’s running away!
0:47 Give me a gun.
0:49 Come here, bastard!
0:50 Kill him!
0:51 Do not kill us.
0:51 Do not kill us.
0:55 My God, my God, what is that?
0:55 Shoot.
0:56 (Gun reloading noise)
0:57 (Shot #1)
1:01 You’ll never get away with it!
1:07 (Shot #2)
1:09 (Laughter)
1:13 Change of plans – come back!
1:14 Everyone come back – faster!
1:14 (Shot #3)

1:17 (Shot #4)
1:20 Let’s get out of here.

Case in point of how to murder an entire government who opposes the central banking cartel.

The Genocide of South American Leaders Who Oppose the Bankster Protection Rackets

Southern Venezuela sits on one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in the world. Under their former leader, Hugo Chavez, the Venezuela government was the 13th largest holder of gold in the world. They have 154 tons of this precious metal in their Central Bank in Venezuela. Any movement of this gold would have critically impacted the global markets worldwide. This could not be permitted.

Eventually, Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez, succumbed to respiratory complications after a severe bout with pelvic cancer. Then acting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro suggested that Chavez was murdered by “dark forces that wanted him out of the way”. A CNN story reported that “Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez wondered Wednesday if the United States could be infecting the region’s leaders with the illness … Chavez prefaced his remarks at a military event in Caracas by saying, ‘I don’t want to make any reckless accusations,’ but the Venezuelan president said he was concerned by something he finds ‘very, very, very strange.’ ‘Would it be strange if (the United States) had developed a technology to induce cancer, and for no one to know it?”

Like so many elected presidents, who annoy Big Oil, which is controlled by Big Banking, have ended up in exile, or worse yet, in coffins. The cases in point are Mossadegh of Iran after he nationalized BP’s fields (1953), Elchibey, President of Azerbaijan, after he refused demands of BP for his Caspian fields (1993), President Alfredo Palacio of Ecuador after he terminated Occidental’s drilling concession (2005).

South American leaders, in general, who said no to the takeover of their oil, water and currencies ended up contracting or dying from cancer.

Former Argentine President, Nestor Kirchner, died from colon cancer.

Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff contracted lymphoma cancer)

Brazilian President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, contracted throat cancer.

Former Cuban president Fidel Castro, who is hanging on by a thread contracted stomach cancer.

Bolivian President, Evo Morales was stricken with nasal cancer.  

Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo caught a bad case of lymphoma cancer.  

This is what Chavez was alluding to. The correlation between contracting quick acting cancer and ruling south of the Equator defies all odds. Of course, it is all just one big coincidence and the overwhelming odds be damned.

Gadaffi Over Obama

Question, when does our dictator become more of a dictator than their dictator?  Answer, when our dictator is in his last term and has nothing to lose.

Libya, under Gaddafi, was Africa’s most prosperous democracy. Their government was much more responsive to the people than the United States. In fact, Libya has the United States beat on the on the issue of democracy prior to the assassination of Gaddafi. That does not seem possible but the fundamental difference between the United States democratic systems and Libya’s Jamahiriya’s direct democracy is that in Libya, citizens were given the chance to contribute directly to the political decision-making process. Do your national leaders show the remotest desire to improve your fate?

The government of Gaddafi brought the Libyan government from poverty and debt, to prosperity and debt-free status in 41 years. Under the Gaddafi, Libya healthcare was free and Libyan pharmacies and hospitals were actually comparable to high-grade European medical facilities. This is in contrast with America, where our death by doctor fatalities reached 225,000 before his Gaddafi’s death. If this does not infuriate you, then you surely must be asleep!

Under Gadaffi, Libya gave free land and seeds to anyone who wants to farm that land. In America, we “swat team” raw dairy farmers, organic food producers and the Amish. Meanwhile, farmers are increasingly being forced to use unlabeled, cancer-causing, GMO seeds. Forty loaves of bread cost just $0.15 at the time of Libya’s revolution. The prices for our food staples have more than doubled over the past two years.

At the time of Gaddafi’s assassination, the price of gas was around $0.14 per gallon. Meanwhile, American gas prices are again approaching four and five dollars for a gallon of gas. The major reason gas prices are exploding is because our dollar is losing value. The world is running from the dollar. The stock market is greatly escalating beyond all reason. If you know your 1929 history, you know what lies next.

Libyan working mothers enjoyed a range of benefits including cash bonuses for children, free day care, free health care centers, and retirement at 55. In America, our medical industrial establishment makes it as difficult as possible to raise a child. American retirement age will soon go to 70 and Obama has designs on stealing our pensions, IRA’s and 401K’s.

Unlike America, where we horde our wealth to the tune of $128 trillion of underground resources (e.g. oil, natural gas, etc.), Gaddafi’s oil-revenue-sharing program helped bring a good measure of prosperity to each Libyan as they receive $500 (Dollars) deposited into his or her bank account each month. Did you know that if the first bail out to Wall Street had been applied to America’s home mortgages, all Americans would now own their homes free and clear? However, our American central bankers over at the Federal Reserve are obsessed with destroying the middle class, not enhancing the economic plight of the people. Speaking of homes, when Libyans marry, each couple is gifted $60,000 to do with as they please. In America, we double tax our couples under the so-called marriage penalty tax.

Unlike America, where college tuition costs rose at a rate eight times faster than the cost of living, Education from grade school through to college is free in Libya and the Libyan government paid for college students to study specialty subjects overseas.

So why is Gadaffi dead? He refused to capitulate and give Basel what they wanted, a Libyan central bank that would enslave the nation with debt in the same manner as all the other 56 central banks which have enslaved their respective national governments. And when leaders say “enough”, they die.

Warning: The following video has strong printed language in the final minute.

So why is Gadaffi dead? He refused to capitulate and give Basel what they wanted, a Libyan central bank that would enslave the nation with debt in the same manner as all the other 56 central banks which have enslaved their respective national governments. And when leaders say “enough”, they die.


Attorney Ellen Brown argues, in the Asia Times, that Libya, like Iraq, under Saddam Hussein, challenged the supremacy of the dollar and the Western banks. The banksters once announced the plan to take out seven countries who are coincidentally outside of central banking influence: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. On the periphery of this enemies list is also Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea.

Isn’t that interesting that the Axis of Evil nations, as we call them, have one thing in common. In the context of banking, one fact that sticks out is that none of them is listed among the 56 member banks of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). This puts them outside the long regulatory arm of the central bankers’ central bankers bank located in Switzerland. To some degree, the avoidance of being a debt slave to the central banksters is not permitted and such violators risk having the full force of the US military and NATO being brought down upon them to enforce the “right” for the central bankers to impose involuntary servitude in deference to their holy order.

Lincoln attempted to use Greenbacks as currency and was shot in the head.


JFK printed “C-notes” which would have eventually debased the Federal Reserve Dollar and he was also shot in the head.

Iraq’s Saddam Hussein was selling oil for Euro’s not the Petrodollar and now he’s dead.

Gaddafi was talking about a gold Dinar and not using the Petrodollar and now he’s dead.

Soon, Assad of Syria will be dead for the same reasons.

Iranian leadership has a short life-expectancy because they are selling oil for gold to Russia, China and India.

As the Obama administration indiscriminately kills thousands of people in places such as Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan with drone strikes, we now know that they are preparing to do the same to American citizens. Our “Fast and Furious” Czar, Attorney General, Eric Holder, recently announced that Obama can do the same to Americans.

Meanwhile, at the time of Gaddafi’s death, the United Nations designated Libya the 53rd highest in the world in human development. I never thought I would write the words in which I marveled at how Libyans were treated better by Gaddafi than Americans are by Obama. Make no mistake about it, Gaddafi was a thug, but a thug who provided more for his people on a comparative per capita basis than Obama does for the American people.

What does it say that a known terrorist is more compassionate towards his people that Obama? And what has become of Libya since Gaddafi’s death? They are headed back to the Dark Ages courtesy of the central banker sponsored Al-Qaeda who now runs the country. Have you noticed that anything these central bankers touch turns to pure manure? If our country ever gets disassembled in the same manner, Libya provides a good barometer of what lies ahead for most Americans. Most importantly, the aforementioned leaders who attempted to stand up for the welfare of their people against the banksters, are all dead. What did Jesus know when he chased the money changers from the Temple?

The sooner that you understand that the banksters want you in debt servitude, the sooner everything else will make sense.