The Shocking Truth About Who Wrote Obamacare

December 2, 2013 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges
Republic Broadcasting Network

The Shocking Truth About Who Wrote Obamacare

“You know how I define the economic & social classes in this country? The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there just to scare the crap out of the middle class. Keep em showing up at those jobs.”

George Carlin

If this article does not convince you that the Obama administration is nothing but a criminal enterprise organization, nothing will.

if you like your health care plan, you can keep it

“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan”. Do you remember these famous lies coming from the disingenuous mouth of Obama with regard to the snow job he perpetrated upon the American people? Many Americans were willing to give Obamacare a chance because Americans are a generous people and we did not like the fact that greedy managed care companies were making it impossible for 50 million Americans to get affordable health care. We now know this was a major lie because as many as 16 million Americans are losing their healthcare because their present plans do not meet the new standards of Obamacare.

if you like your plan, you can keep your plan 2

We Told You So

I wrote articles on this site which warned about the fine print of Obamacare. There are few things more annoying than hearing the words “I told you so”. However, I cannot fight the temptation to tell you, “I told you so”.

Most people now know, or have the means to find out that Obamacare does indeed have death panels in which major age related treatment exclusions are written into the law. Many of us are finding out that Obamacare will be significantly more expensive than our present healthcare plans. For myself, if I had to go on Obamacare, I would pay almost three times as much per month as I am now.

We are now learning that as doctors are finding out about Obamacare, that many of these doctors are planning to retire early and leave the profession. This will result in a severe healthcare provider shortage. Don’t you remember when George H. W. Bush was fighting on behalf of the managed care plans when he talked about long waits for critical treatments involving countries which had socialized medicine such as Canada?

With the critical shortages coming to Obamacare, many Americans are going to die while waiting for treatment and this problem is going to be greatly exacerbated by the shortages which are looming in specialty treatment areas. Under Obamacare, general practitioners (GP’s) will, in most cases, get paid the same as specialists. Medical specialists (e.g. cardiologists) spend a lot more time and money than GP’s in order to acquire the skill sets associated with their specialty field. In the future, why should specialists spend the extra time and money getting trained for a specialty field if it pays the same as a GP? As a result, many are predicting critical shortages in specialized critical medical fields such as oncology, cardiac specialists, pulmonary specialists, OBGYN specialists, et al. As a result of Obamacare, people are going die prematurely and we told you so!

Does the Congressional health care plan contain access to botox treatments?

Does the Congressional health care plan contain access to botox treatments?

Who is responsible for the madness that is emerging out of Obamacare? At the time Obamacare was passed, it was impossible for most Americans to tell you what was in the plan and, most of all, who was responsible for writing the plan. Don’t you remember when Nancy Pelosi commanded Congress to pass the healthcare so that we could see what was in it?

Who Actually Wrote Obamacare?

And now for the shocking truth about who actually wrote Obamacare. After all the secrecy surrounding Obamacare is lifting, we can finally put a name to this cruel lie. The man’s name who wrote a great deal of the scourge that we call Obamacare, is convicted felon, Robert Creamer.

Creamer is now credited for writing 628 pages of Obamacare while he was in prison. Creamer is a senior Democratic operative who defrauded banks in order to keep his Marxist/Communist community organization afloat by engaging in 16 counts of bank and tax fraud. Creamer’s book is entitled, Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win.

Many left-wingers say that Creamer’s book has inspired them in their progressive fight to turn America into socialist Europe. Creamer’s work has received support and garnered an endorsement from a surprising source. Or, maybe it is not so surprising after all. Former White House Senior Adviser, David Axelrod, described Creamer’s book as a “blueprint” for future progressive victories. Creamer has stated that in order to impose socialist healthcare on an unwilling nation, it is necessary to deceive the people.

The perfect Marxist couple, Robert Creamer and his wife the Congresswoman, Jan Schakowsky.

The perfect Marxist couple, the convicted criminal, Robert Creamer, and his wife the Congresswoman, Marxist, Jan Schakowsky.

Creamer is the husband of Marxist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, an Illinois Democrat who demands a “single payer” healthcare delivery system. Creamer’s book calls for the “democratization of wealth”, and the “progressive control of governments around the world”.

Creamer says that Democrats could win a permanent majority in Congress “by passing a national health care bill, turning more people into wards of government, that works to grow government; and by giving amnesty to all illegals, thereby creating, virtually overnight, a large new constituency of Democratic voters”. With 50% of the country on some form of welfare, Creamer’s plan has progressed at a very rapid pace.

Creamer counseled Democrats that to win complete control of America, they must “not just generate understanding, but emotion—fear, revulsion, anger, disgust”. He adds, “If the Democrats continue to stand firmly for immigrant rights, the issue will define immigrants’ voting loyalties for a generation. If we’re successful, we’ll have a gigantic block of progressive votes over the next 15 years, a block that could be decisive in the battle for the future.”


I would really like to sell the American people a used car. And while we are at it, I would like to sell our fellow countrymen some swamp land in Florida. For the people in this country to have elected a communist such as Jan Schakowsky is truly mind boggling. For the citizens of this country to have allowed the passage of Obamacare without any knowledge of what was in the bill and who wrote the bill, makes me think that the majority of the citizens of this country are dumber than a box of rocks.

We have met the enemy and he is us. Cheers! Here is to your good health, America.