Adam Nutter: Veteran US Marines and a comedian, having a good time!

December 23, 2022 in News by RBN Staff


Warning: Strong language and unedited commentary… Not suitable for children.

[RBN recording of Adam’s appearance on The National Intel Report – with very minimal explicit content – is available and linked toward the bottom of this post.]


In the YouTube video, it’s a couple of vets and a stand-up comedian, so the vocabulary WILL be fast and loose, BUT, the content is proper, even though they think RBN is a “Republican podcast”… just give them a little credit and some leeway.


Two US Marine veterans and a comic having a conversation about current events.


Luke & Typo (Biting the Bullet podcast) join me!
We start out talking about action movies, what we did to the natives & online betting.

We get into Zelensky visiting congress and what a psyop it is.

We also talk about SBF getting arrested and wondering if he will or will not be Epsteined…


Luke: @BitingTheBullet

Typo: @BitingTheBullet

Adam Nutter:


Adam Nutter ALSO appeared on RBN with Steve OBrien, who was backing up Peter Serefine as a guest host, while Peter was busy delivering our mail!


RBN show available here:

CLICK HERE: John Stadmiller’s The National Intel Report with Special Hosts, December 22, 2022 Hour 2